Standard Retro Setup In Global Payroll for France

In Global Payroll for France, retroactive changes in the current year are processed using the corrective method, and retroactive changes in previous years are processed using the forwarding method.

Note: The default retroactive method for France is corrective; however, the standard retro method is defined as varying based on the calendar year, with forwarding defined as the retroactive method for calculations that go back to previous years.

This setup addresses the most common cases of retroactivity, and enables you to:

  • Calculate retroactive changes to the gross salary.

  • Apply the current contribution rates to the gross salary deltas.

  • Declare contributions calculated retroactively.

  • Manage most retroactive changes:

    • URSSAF scheme changes.

    • Contribution eligibility changes

    • Participation in unemployment (ASSEDIC) or retirement funds (AGIRC/ARRCO).

    • Change of establishment or company.

    • Retroactive hiring or departure.

    • Block recalculation of loans and garnishments.

    • Block recalculation of social contributions for completed years.

Note: Global Payroll for France does not deliver specific forwarding rules. If you decide to apply the delivered logic for processing retroactive changes—corrective for the current year and forwarding for past years—you must define your own forwarding rules.