Understanding Absence Calculations

PeopleSoft delivers predefined rules for processing absences due to vacation, illness, maternity, work accidents, and other reasons. These rules conform to French statutory requirements. You can easily modify many of these rules to reflect absence policies that are specific to your organization or to collective agreements that may be in force for your employees.

This section discusses absence calculations.

Absence Units

When entering absences on the Absence Event Entry page, specify the from and to dates of each absence.

Later, when you run the Absence process, the system calculates the number of paid and unpaid units of time that the absence represents. During the payroll process, the system uses these units to determine the appropriate rate to apply when resolving the earning and deduction amounts associated with the absence.

Type of Absence

Delivered Setting for Units

Valid Options

Paid vacation

Working days

Working days, business days

Staff representative, work council, CHSCT, and union time



All other absences

Calendar days

Hours, business days, calendar days

For example, the system uses calendar days to determine the compensation rate that applies when an employee takes paid time off for family leave. The rate equals the employee's monthly base salary divided by the number of calendar days in the month.

You can change the units for all absences except staff representatives, work council, CHSCT, and union time. For paid vacation, you can select business days or working days by updating the variable element CPA VR JRS/1 SEM, as explained in Changing the Day Weight (CPA VR JRS/1 SEM).

For other absences, you can select hours, business days, or calendar days. Make this selection by updating the bracket ABS BS ABS VALO as described in Units for Earnings and Deduction Calculations (ABS BR ABS VALO).

When you run the payroll process, the system uses the selected units to calculate the rate it applies to resolve the deduction and earning elements.


You can change the base salary that the system uses to calculate the compensation rate by updating the formula element ABS FM SAL BA THEO.


The Day Formula page for each take element includes fields that define the percent that the system applies to the earning and deduction amounts calculated for an absence.

For example, the first 30 days of an absence due to illness can be compensated at 90 percent, the next 30 days can be compensated at 66,66 percent, and so on. Percentages are predefined for the illness and work accident take elements delivered with Global Payroll for France.