Understanding DSN Reporting

DSN (Declaration Sociale Nominative) is a reporting standard introduced by the French government to simplify the way the data is declared and sent to different government bodies. Under DSN, the organization (employer) consolidates all information into a single file and sends it to a single agency. The agency that receives the file segregates and sends information to multiple social agencies. This is intended to reduce administrative procedures involved in the reporting process and helps in building a secure process which ensures reliability of the transmitted data.

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for France enables you to create files based on DSN reporting norms. You can create a DSN file by running a batch program, in which the system searches and compiles relevant data, writes it to a specific table, and creates a flat file. Application picks the attributes for DSN file from payroll results and from other PeopleSoft HR tables.

DSN reports can be generated and sent to the concerned authorities monthly or based on the occurrence of any event. The data extraction and file generation process for monthly DSN reports follows the monthly payroll cycle. Event based DSN reports are generated on occurrence of any particular event such as work stoppages or termination. Event declaration can also be included in monthly DSN report.