Understanding DUCS Processing

After you run the payroll process, the system has most of the data that you need to produce the DUCS file and the DUCS report. You must enter only the information that is unique to your process setup. You must also specify which data the process must select, where it must place the results, and what alterations to this data, if any, you want to make.

Note: The DUCS is a norm for declaring contributions. Contact the appropriate organization, such as URSSAF or ASSEDIC, to obtain the technical requirements book for the DUCS. This technical requirements book contains the description of the norm and stipulates the membership conditions.

The Application Framework (AF) feature was developed in response to the legislative changes related to social declarations in France. The existing DUCS Application Engine does not provide all customers with the system performance and flexibility required to produce a complex file on a monthly basis. The Application Framework tool enables customers to meet the declarative challenges in both the near and distant future.

For customers that are migrating to the latest release from a previous version, and are willing to continue using the DUCS design they are used to, the system enables you to continue producing DUCS files and reports without Application Framework – using the mechanism provided in previous releases of PeopleSoft Global Payroll for France.

For new customers, or existing customers that are migrating to the latest release and desire to take advantage of the features in the new DUCS design, you can produce DUCS files and reports using Application Framework.