Understanding DUCS Reporting

Global Payroll for France enables you to create files following the DUCS norm (V4.2 COPLAT) for submitting social security contribution information to government agencies. With Global Payroll for France, you can generate the following reports, declarations, and payments:

  • URSSAF monthly, quarterly, and yearly declarations—Tableau Récaptiulatif des Cotisations (TRC)—including Versement en Lieu Unique (VLU).

  • ASSEDIC monthly, quarterly, and yearly declarations—Bordereau de Déclaration Annuelle (BDA)—including Paiement Groupe (PG).

  • ARRCO and AGIRC monthly, quarterly, and annual reports.

  • Electronic payments for each declaration.

Rather than having each establishment declare and pay its contributions to the URSSAF offices in each of its locations, a company can arrange to file the VLU. That way, a company can submit one report to the URSSAF office near its headquarters, on behalf of its establishments. Similarly, a company can arrange to file PG with ASSEDIC.

Note: To conform with the DUCS norm, these declarations are submitted in electronic files—with the exception of the annual BDA and TRC, which are paper reports.

The DUCS extraction is based on amounts calculated in Global Payroll. At the end of the payroll calculation process, the REP AR DU CONTS array reads the DUCS contributions setup information and runs the REP FM DU CONTS formula for each contribution included in the DUCS contributions setup information. Upon resolution, it writes the data to the REP WA DU CONTS writable array. This data is used in the DUCS extraction that uses the GPFR_DUCS_WA record.