Understanding User-Defined (TAKE CONFIG) Fields

The Calculation page that you use to define take elements includes four user-defined fields, which populate the system elements TAKE CONFIG1 through TAKE CONFIG4. The TAKE CONFIG fields provide additional instructions to the system during the Absence process.

Although you should not modify the user-defined fields for the take elements delivered with Global Payroll for France, you may want to follow the same usage conventions if you define your own take elements:

  • TAKE CONFIG1 identifies the type of take followed by the sequence number of the take if other takes are used when the entitlement balance reaches 0 (the Take with Other Absence field on the take element's Negative page identifies these take elements). For example, the first take element for illness, MLT MALADIE, has the code MAL1.

    The TAKE CONFIG1 field works in conjunction with the offset formula identified on the Day Formula page. The offset formula decreases the beginning entitlement balance by the number of units that have already been paid for the same type of absence. For example, suppose that a payee who is entitled to 30 paid days for illness is ill for 15 days. He uses 15 days of entitlement. Two months later, the payee is out sick again for 20 days. When the system processes the second absence, it retrieves the 30 days of entitlement, then decreases it by the number of days that have already been paid for illness during the past 12 months. (It does not decrease entitlement for absences due to work accidents, family events, or any reason other than illness.) It determines the number of days to decrease entitlement by looking for absence takes where the TAKE CONFIG1 field is set to MAL1.

  • TAKE CONFIG2 identifies the absence type (MAL for illness, AT for work accident, MAT for maternity, and so on). These codes are used in several brackets related to seniority calculations (ABS BR ANC-ABS LOI and ABS BR ANC-ABS CC) and paid vacation calculations (ABS BR ASS TRV LOI and ABS BR ASS TRAV CC). They are also used within ABS BR ABS VAL, the bracket that designates the units you want the system to use when generating positive input for earnings and deductions.

  • TAKE CONFIG3 identifies which absence take the system is processing: the first in a sequence, the last in a sequence, or a single take, if there is only one.

    For example, Global Payroll for France delivers a sequence of four absence take elements for illness. The first take, MLT MALADIE, has a TAKE CONFIG3 code of 1 and the last take, MLT MALADIE4, has a code of DER. As another example, take element EVT MAR SAL has a code of 1DER to indicate that it is the only take element for this type of absence.

    The formula ABS FM ALIM AC ABS uses the value in the TAKE CONFIG3 field to trigger other formulas. For example, if TAKE CONFIG3 equals 1 or 1DER, the formula ABS FM ALIM AC NTR is triggered. This formula calculates the unworked units (hours, business days, and calendar days) and stores the units in accumulators.

    If TAKE CONFIG3 equals DER or 1DER, the formula ABS FM ALIM AC NPA is triggered. This formula calculates the unpaid units (hours, business days, and calendar days) and stores them in accumulators.