Archiving Global Payroll Data

Global Payroll generates a large amount of result data. To maintain a detailed audit trail, it is often necessary to keep this data for compliance purposes. Usually the amount of data that needs to be saved is greater than the amount that is actually required to be referenced actively. To keep the amount of saved data manageable, you might choose to archive it periodically.

PeopleSoft PeopleTools delivers an archiving tool called the Data Archive Manager. To use this tool to archive Global Payroll result data correctly, you should have a solid understanding of the data you are trying to archive and the corresponding table structures. To aid you in archiving your result data, PeopleSoft Global Payroll delivers predefined archive objects, queries, and templates.

Note: Please use extreme caution when making changes to delivered archive objects, queries, or templates. Any modifications can result in the loss of important data.

See “Using PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager” in PeopleTools: Data Management product documentation.

Delivered Archive Objects

An archive object is a collection of tables that you archive. The object definition determines how you archive data from a table.

PeopleSoft Global Payroll delivers one archive object (GP_RSLT_ARCHIVE) that contains a list of all of the Global Payroll Core result tables to be archived. In addition, PeopleSoft Global Payroll delivers an archive object for each Global Payroll country extension. These archive objects contain lists of the country-specific tables to be archived. Each country-specific archive object is named GPxx_RSLT_ARCHIVE, where xx is the 2 character ISO country code.

Note: Please refer to your country-specific documentation for more information on the specific tables included in the country-specific archive objects.

Delivered Archive Queries

PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager uses queries to define selection criteria from the base table of the base archive object. PeopleSoft Global Payroll delivers two archive queries:



Both queries select data to archive based on calendar group ID (CAL_RUN_ID). GP_CAL_RUN_SNGL selects data for one specific calendar group ID while GP_CAL_RUN_MULT selects records for all calendar groups finalized on or before a specified calendar group.

Note: You archive data for only one country at a time. You specify the country when you run the selection process using the Data Archive Manager.

Delivered Archive Templates

Archive templates link archive objects and archive queries together. PeopleSoft Global Payroll delivers one archive template (GPRSLT) that references the Global Payroll Core archive object and the two archive queries. In addition, PeopleSoft Global Payroll delivers an archive template for each Global Payroll country extension that references the Global Payroll Core archive object, the country specific archive object, and the two archive queries. Each country-specific archive template is named GPxxRSLT, where xx is the 2 character ISO country code.