Batch Absence Processes

Two batch programs within the Global Payroll process (GP_PAYE) calculate absence entries and create payroll input. These programs are referred to as the Entitlement process and Take process. You can create a separate process list for each or use one process list. The system processes entitlement and take elements when they are included on the absence process list that is called by a calendar during processing, which is the same way that it processes all elements.

Note: You do not need to run a separate Entitlement process to resolve per-absence entitlement elements. These elements are resolved only when you run the Take process.

Processing features include:

  • Processing periods.

    The absence period can be the same as or different from the pay period. For example, January absences can be paid in January or February. You specify the target calendar pay for each absence process.

  • Multiple Take processes.

    More than one Take process can target the same pay calendar. For example, vacations taken in January and sick time taken in February can be paid in February. To accomplish this, create two absence process lists, one for vacations and another for sick time, and attach each process list to a separate absence calendar. On each absence calendar, select the pay calendar as the target calendar.

  • Combining Entitlement and Take processes.

    You can run the entitlement and take processes together or separately.

  • Processing sequence.

    The system can process absence takes according to their sequence on the process list or in daily order. To process absences in daily order, you include take elements in an absence take section of a process list.