Payroll Processing

Once Global Payroll is set up to meet your organization's needs, processing your payroll involves:

  • Determining which payees are to be paid for each payroll run.

  • Running the payroll calculation process.

  • Rerunning the payroll calculation process, if necessary, until you obtain the correct results.

  • Finalizing the payroll run.

  • Performing postprocessing functions such as banking, reporting, and generating payslips.

The first step is determining which payees to process. Once payees are selected, you run the payroll calculation process. If a few payees have had changes to their data since your last payroll or absence run, you can run the calculation process again only for those payees. There is no need to reprocess all of your payees. You can rerun your calculations as many times as necessary, until you are confident of your results.