Resolving Overrides in Batch Processing

This topic discusses overrides in batch processing.

The following table describes how overrides to supporting elements are resolved during batch processing.



Payee Data Manager

Resolves hierarchy between pay entity, pay group, payee, and calendar supporting element overrides and loads the override with the highest priority into a supporting element override/value array.

PIN Manager

Checks to see if the supporting element is resolved.

  • If the element isn't resolved, the Payee Data Manager looks for a supporting element override.

    • If a supporting element override exists, the override value is used.

    • If no supporting element override exists, the PIN resolution program is called.

  • If the element is resolved, the PIN manager checks the RECALC logic.

    • If RECALC = NO, the PIN manager returns the previously resolved value.

    • If RECALC = YES, the system looks for a supporting element override. If none exists, the PIN manager calls the PIN Resolution program to resolve the element.

Element Assignment

An array, formula, bracket, or date extract can assign a value to another element. In this case, the element is considered resolved.

Earning/Deduction/Entitlement/Take program

Applies primary element overrides, then payee/element overrides, and finally positive input overrides, as applicable, to a supporting element used by an earning, deduction, take, or entitlement element.

The primary element overrides are in force for the duration of the earning, deduction, take, and entitlement element resolution. The payee/element overrides are in force for the duration of the take and entitlement resolution. For earning and deduction elements, the payee/element overrides and the positive input overrides are in force for each earning/deduction instance.

For each type of override, the program saves and stores the current value of the supporting element before assigning the override value. When the override is no longer in force, the saved value of the supporting element is restored

Earning/Deduction Program Flow

Here's what happens in the Earning/Deduction Program:

  1. Retrieve the earning, deduction, take, or entitlement element rule definition.

  2. When a primary element override exists (that is, when there are instructions to override a supporting element that is associated with an earning, deduction, take, or entitlement), retrieve and store the current value of the supporting element.

    Set the value of each supporting element to the override value (to be in force for the duration of the earning or deduction resolution).

  3. Loop per instance.

    Note: For take and entitlement elements, there is only 1 resolution of the element. For earning and deduction elements, there can be many instance resolutions.

  4. When payee/element or positive input supporting element overrides exists, retrieve and store the current value for each supporting element with an override value.

  5. Set the override value of each supporting element.

    When there are both payee/element and positive input overrides for the same supporting element, the positive input override is applied.

  6. Apply payee/element field by field overrides to the rule.

    Apply positive input field by field overrides to the rule.

  7. Calculate the earning/deduction instance.

  8. Add the instance return values to the PIN Manager Return List (earning/deduction + components).

  9. Reset the previous value of each supporting element that was overridden via payee/element and positive input supporting element overrides.

  10. End instance loop.

  11. Reset the previous value of each supporting element that was overridden via primary element overrides. This completes the restoration of the supporting elements to the values in effect prior to the earning, deduction, take, or entitlement resolution.