Setting Up Sections

To set up sections, use the Sections component (GP_SECTION).

Page Name

Definition Name


Section Name Page


Name a section and define its basic parameters.

This page is also used to set up process lists.

Definition Page


Select elements that constitute a section.

Payee Sections Page


Create a payee section for a process list.

Sections are the building blocks for creating process lists. You create a section by giving it an element name and indicating its use: for payroll processing, absence processing, or both. Finally, you select the section type and enter elements in processing order. Eligible elements depend on the section use and type.

This diagram shows the element types that you can include in each section type.

Section use and type determine which elements can be added to a section

Warning! Adding or deleting an element from a section and then trying to process a retroactive pay run may yield incorrect results. Before changing any element in a section, assess the impact on retroactive processing.

Use the Section Name page (GP_PIN) to name a section and define its basic parameters.

This page is also used to set up process lists.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Processing > Sections > Section Name

You must enter the basic parameters of each section on the Sections - Section Name page. All elements within Global Payroll share the same name page (GP_PIN).

Note: On the Sections - Section Name page, Calendar Period End Date is the only value for the Definition as of Date field. When you run the payroll process, the system reads the calendar period end date to determine which effective-dated sections and process list to use.

Use the Definition page (GP_SECTION) to select elements that constitute a section.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Processing > Sections > Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Definition page.

Definition page

Field or Control


Section Use

Select the section use that specifies whether you can use the section for payroll processing, absence processing, or both. Determines what type of section you can create and the elements that can be added to those sections. Values are: Absence Process Only, Payroll Process Only, and Payroll and Absence Process.

Section Type

Select the section type. This specifies how the Process List Manager processes the elements in this section during a payroll or absence run. Values depend on your Section Use selection:

Absence Process Only: Select Absence Take, Generate Positive Input, Payee Section, or Standard.

Payroll Process Only: Select Sub-Process, Generate Positive Input, Payee Section, or Standard.

Payroll and/or Absence Process: Select Payee Section or Standard.

Depending on your selection, certain fields in the Section Element List group box become hidden or available. If you select Payee Section, all fields become unavailable for entry. After saving this page, you can access the Payee Sections page and select the elements to be resolved for a particular payee.

Net Pay Validation by Priority

Appears only if you select Sub-Process as the section type, and the associate country contains a Net Pay Validation formula on the country setup component. Select to make this section eligible for net pay validation by priority. This prevents the system from applying net pay validation logic on its first loop through the section. Instead, it calculates elements according to their processing sequence during the first loop.

The control formula that's next to the loop action of begin controls the number of subsequent loops. This formula should compare the net amount to zero (or to the defined minimum) to determine whether to perform another loop. The net pay validation formula (specified on the Country Setup page) controls what happens to each deduction in a subsequent loop. Depending on the value returned by this formula, the system will calculate the deduction and perform net pay validation, calculate only, perform net pay validation only, or skip the deduction.

Maximum Iteration

This field works with the Loop Action field and appears only if you select Sub-Process as the section type. To have the system perform a loop, enter the maximum number of loop repetitions. Values are 1 through 999. Decimals are not allowed.

Note: For processing efficiency, keep the iterations to a minimum and include a condition in your loop that, if met, ends the looping process before the maximum number of iterations.

Formula Name

Appears only if you select Sub-Process as the section type. This field works with the Loop Action field. It enables you to select a numeric formula that's executed to determine whether an element, or the elements within a loop, are resolved:

  • A control formula that is placed next to an element that has a loop action of begin, controls the resolution of all elements between the begin and end tags. If the formula resolves to zero (false), the system does not resolve these elements and ends the loop. If the formula resolves to a nonzero value (for example, -2, -1, 1, or 2), the condition is considered true and the system tries to resolve the elements in the loop.

  • A formula that is associated with a single element, with a loop action of none, applies only to that element. If the formula resolves to zero the element isn't resolved. If the formula resolves to a nonzero value the system tries resolving the element.

Loop Action

Appears only if you select Sub-Process as the section type. Select the loop action that identifies the beginning or end of a loop. Values are None, Begin, and End. Only one Begin and one End are allowed in a subprocess. An End must follow a Begin. (This field works with the Maximum Iteration field.)

Element Type

Select the type of element that you're adding to the section. Values depend on your Section Type and, sometimes, Section Use selections:

Standard sections: Select Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Count, Date, Duration, Formula, Rate Code, Retrieve Historical Rule, System Element, Variable or Writable Array.

Standard sections in a payroll process: Select from all of the above, plus Deduction, Fictitious Calc (fictitious calculation), and Earnings.

Standard sections in an absence process: Select from all of the above (for standard sections), plus Absence Entitlement and Absence Take. (Absence Entitlement refers to frequency-based entitlement elements only.)

Subprocess sections: Select Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Count, Date, Deduction, Duration, Earnings, Fictitious Calc, Formula, Rate Code, Retrieve Historical Rule, Section-Standard, Section-Payee, System Element, or Variable.

Generate positive input sections: Select Deduction or Earnings.

Absence take section: Select Absence Take.

Element Name

Enter the name of the element to include in the section. Selectable names depend on the element type.

Driver Accumulator

Select the Driver Accumulator tab.

This tab displays the driver accumulator, if any, that is defined for an earning or deduction on the Element Name page (GP_PIN). This page is informational only. To associate a driver with an earning or deduction, access the earning or deduction setup component.

Use the Payee Sections page (GP_PYE_SECTION) to create a payee section for a process list.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Create Overrides > Payee Sections

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payee Sections page.

Section Overrides page

Before using this page, create a payee section using the Sections - Section Name and Sections - Definition pages.

Field or Control


Element Name

Enter the name of the payee section, as defined on the Sections - Section Name page.

Section Use

Displays a value to indicate in which type of process list the section can be used: Payroll, Absence, or Either. (Specify section use on the Sections - Definition page.)

Payee Section Elements

Field or Control


Element Entry Type

Select the type of element that you're adding to the section. Values depend on the section use:

Payroll: Select Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Count, Date, Deduction, Duration, Earnings, Fict Calc (fictitious calculation), Formula, Hist Rule (historical rule), Rate Code, System Element, Variable, or WritArray (writable array).

Absence: Select Absence Entitlement (frequency-based entitlement elements), Absence Take, Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Count, Date, Duration, Formula, Hist Rule, Rate Code, System Element, Variable, or WritArray.

Either: Select Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Count, Date, Duration, Formula, Rate Code, System Element, Variable, or WritArray.

Element Name

Select the name of the element that you're adding to the section.