Using Banking Information with Local Country Processes

After setting up information in the Global Payroll core application, you can use this information when running local country processes to create payment files and payment reports.

Each country extension has its own SQRs and formats. You can write your own SQRs, extracting data from the output file that the system created in the core application in the banking process.

To prepare payments:

  1. Finalize your payroll.

  2. Run the banking process.

  3. View payments on the View Net Pay page and the View Deductions page.

  4. Print a report of payments after payment processing.

    Refer to your country extension product documentation for information about the reports available.

  5. Prepare recipient payments to generate payments for general recipients.

    After the core banking process is finalized, an SQR process populates a table that country-specific processes use to generate payment files and reports for general recipients.

  6. Prepare payee payments to generate payments for individual recipients.

    After the core banking process is finalized, an SQR process populates a table that country-specific processes use to generate payment files and reports for individual recipients.

Note: In steps 4 and 5, the process isn't necessarily run by local SQRs. Whether you run the process with SQRs or not, the result is an interface file to banks or another medium for automated transfers.

Note: To see which local processes need to be run, refer to the banking topic in your local country documentation.