Common Elements Used to View and Finalize Payroll Results

Field or Control


Action Type

Displays the type of action that the system performed when it processed an instance of positive input. Values are:

Add: The system processed the normal resolution of the element, processed the element again, and added the amount from positive input.

Do Not Prc (do not process): The system did not resolve the instance, based on instructions from the Positive Input page.

Override: The system resolved the value of this instance using an amount, rate, unit, percent, or base amount from the Positive Input component.

Zero: The system did not resolve the instance of positive input but entered 0 in the results table.

Calculate Action

The following values appear in this field:

Calculate: The segment has been calculated.

Calculate and Replace: The segment was originally calculated and later an off-cycle correction, with a correction type of replacement, is selected.

Reverse: The segment was calculated originally, but during the recalculation period, the payee was no longer eligible for selection, and the segment was reversed. For example, assume that a payee was originally in Pay Group A but moved to Pay Group B. A retroactive change is made to switch the payee to Pay Group B. Reversal segments are created for the Pay Group A calendar during the retroactivity, to reverse the previous calculation.

EmplID From (employee ID from) and EmplID To (employee ID to)

Enter the employee IDs of the first and last payees in the range (on inquiry pages) or to be included in the processing stream.

Paid and Unpaid

The portions of the day count that are paid and unpaid.

Revision Number and Version Number

Together, these fields indicate whether an amount was recalculated due to retroactivity and (if so) which retroactive method was applied:

When the retroactive method is corrective, the version number increments by 1; the Revision Number stays at 1.

When the retroactive method is forwarding, the version number stays the same; the Revision Number increments by 1.

The original set of output results for a calendar calculation is Version 1, Revision 1.

Segment Number

The number that is associated with the segment. The value 1 appears if the calendar is not segmented.