Delivered Workflows for Administer Workforce

This topic discusses Administer Workforce workflows. The workflows are listed alphabetically by workflow name.

This topic discusses the 60 Day Review workflow.


Information Type


Action Description

Upon the '60 Day Tenure Notices' process being run to identify Tenure Conversions, a worklist item is sent to the supervisor(s) of all employees who will reach their Tenure Conversion dates within the next 60 days.

Upon the '60 Day Probation Term Notices' process being run to identify Probation Terms, a worklist item is sent to the supervisor(s) of all employees who will reach their Probation Termination dates within the next 60 days.

Upon the '60 Day WGI Notices' process being run to identify WGI's (Within Grade Increases), a worklist item is sent to supervisor(s) of all employee for whom WGI's are due within the next 60 days.

Notification Method


Workflow Objects

Information Type




Workflow Action



Supervisor-Part Posn Mgt

Email Template

Ten Conv WL

Notice PT WL

Notice WGI WL

Business Process

60 Day Notice Select

Business Activity


Business Event

Notice Ten Conv Event

Notice Prob Term Event

Notice WGI Event

This topic discusses the Generic workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

This is a common email and workflow event for administrator self-service notifications.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type




Workflow Action



Roleuser By EMPLID

Email Template

Email Notification


Business Process


Business Activity


Business Event

Email Notification

Notify HR Admin

This topic discusses the Hire Employee workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The business event, Hire Employee, is triggered whenever a new employee is hired. The entire Hire Employee business process takes place within this one event. The system utilizes workflow to send notification about the new hire to various roles within the organization required to take action.

Upon hiring an employee in France, the system also routes email/worklist items to the Personal Administrator for various events.

Action Description

Benefits Administrator - The system directs an email to the Benefits Administrator to the Manage Benefit Enrollment activity for the new hire.

Facilities Manager - The system directs an email to the Facilities Administrator to the Company Property pages to issue the appropriate company property to the new hire.

(USF) MIS Administrator - Sends an email to the MIS Administrator to let him/her know about the new hire. Login ID's and/or PC equipment can be set up appropriately.

Payroll Administrator - The system directs an email to the Payroll Administrator to the Update Deduction Data activity for the new hire.

Training Administrator - The system directs an email to the Training Administrator to Enroll Students activity to enroll the new hire in company orientation classes.

Variable Compensation Administrator - The system routes an email to the Variable Compensation Administrator to let him/her know about the new hire and determine if this new hire can be included into a compensation plan.

Benefits Administrator - The system directs a worklist item to the Benefits Administrator to the Manage Benefit Enrollment activity for the new hire.

Facilities Manager - The system directs a worklist item to the Facilities Administrator to the Company Property pages to issue the appropriate company property to the new hire.

Payroll Administrator - The system directs a worklist item to the Payroll Administrator to the Update Deduction Data activity for the new hire.

Training Administrator - The system directs a worklist item to the Training Administrator to Enroll Students activity to enroll the new hire in company orientation classes.

An email is sent to the Personal Administrator (FRA) to remind them that the Single Hiring Statement should be sent with a minimum set of mandatory information prior the hire date.

A worklist item is sent to the HR Administrator (FRA) to remind them that the Single Hiring Statement should be sent with a minimum set of mandatory information prior the hire date.

Action Description (continued)

An email is sent to the HR Administrator (FRA) when an employee is hired into the system with a start date in the future. This reminder warns them that the Single Hiring Statement should be sent with a minimum set of mandatory information prior the hire date.

A worklist item is sent to the HR Administrator (FRA) when an employee is hired into the system and additional information regarding the employee is needed.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type





Workflow Action



Benefits Administrator

Facilities Administrator

MIS Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Training Administrator

Variable Compensation Administrator

HR Administrator FRA

Worklist Administrator

Email Template

Benefits Administrator

Facilities Administrator

MIS Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Training Administrator


Single Hiring Statement


Complete Employee Info

Business Process

Administer Workforce

Recruit Employees



Business Activity

Hire Workforce

Hire Workforce (USF)


Business Event

Hire Employee





This topic discusses the Maintain Job Data workflow.


Information Type


Action Description

Upon a change to an employee's service date in the system, an email and worklist item are sent to the Benefits Administrator so any further processing on the Benefits side can occur.

When a job action change has been performed on an employee with multiple jobs, a worklist item is sent to the Benefits Administrator notifying them to review the Primary Job indicators and Flags.

An email is sent to notify the Variable Compensation Administrator to review the changes and take appropriate action if necessary.

Upon a change to an employee's Benefits System, an email and worklist item are sent to the Benefits Administrator so any further processing on the Benefits side can occur.

When a change is made to an employee's Job record, if the action added or changed matches the Stock Action list (defined in Stock Action Reasons), then a worklist item is sent to the Stock Administrator to take appropriate action.

Works Council Specific - Upon the HR Administrator making a decision on a job change request, an email and worklist item is sent to the Works Council for review.

Works Council Specific - Upon the HR Administrator making a decision on a job change request, an email is sent to notify the employee.

Works Council Specific - Upon the HR Administrator making a decision on a job change request, an email and worklist item is sent to the new manager informing them of the decision.

Works Council Specific - Upon the HR Administrator making a decision on a job change request, an email and worklist item is sent to the current manager informing them of the decision.

Works Council Specific - When the HR Administrator requests a job change for an employee, the request is routed via email and worklist item to the Works council for review and approval.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type






Workflow Action



Benefits Administrator

VC Administrator

Stock Administrator

Roleuser By EMPLID

Works Council Representative

Email Template

Benefits Administrator

Benefits Administrator1

Benefits Administrator2

Benefits Administrator3

Variable Comp Administrator

Stock Admin

Works Council


New Manager

Current Manager

Works Council

Business Process

Administer Workforce




Business Activity

Maintain Job Data

Maintain Job Data (USF)




Business Event

Change in Service Date

MultiJob Change

Job Change

Primary Jobs Audit

Change in Benefits System


Notify WC

Notify EE

Notify New Manager

Notify Current Manager

This topic discusses the Maintain Personal Data workflow.


Information Type


Action Description

Upon a change to an employee's birth date in the system, an email and worklist item are sent to the Benefits Administrator so any further processing on the Benefits side can occur.

(CAN) Upon a change to an employee's Province of residence, an email and worklist item are sent to the Payroll Administrator so any further processing on the Payroll side can occur.

Upon a change to an employee's state of residence, an email and worklist item are sent to the Payroll Administrator so any further processing on the Payroll side can occur.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type





Workflow Action



Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Email Template

Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Payroll Administrator1

Business Process

Administer Workforce


Business Activity

Maintain Personal Data

Maintain Personal Data (USF)

Business Event

Change in Birth Date

Change Province in Canada

Change State in U.S.

This topic discusses the PAR Processing workflow.


Information Type


Action Description

Upon the First Authorizer approving a PAR, a worklist item is sent to the Second Authorizer for review/approval as the next step in the process.

When a request is routed to the First Authorizer for approval and is disapproved or returned, a worklist item is sent to the employee's manager with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

When a request is routed to the First Authorizer for approval and is disapproved or returned, an email is sent to the employee with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

Upon the Second Authorizer approving a PAR, a worklist item is sent to the final approver in the process for Approval and Signature.

When a request is routed to the Second Authorizer for approval and is disapproved or returned, a worklist item is sent to the employee's manager with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

When a request is routed to the Second Authorizer for approval and is disapproved or returned, an email is sent to the employee with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

When a request is routed to HR for final approval and signature, a worklist item is sent to the HR Administrator notifying them of the transaction to be processed.

When a request is disapproved or returned by the final approver, a worklist item is sent to the employee's manager with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

When a request is disapproved or returned by the final approver, an email is sent to the employee with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

Upon an employee submitting a PAR request, a worklist item is sent to the employee's manager for first level approval.

When a request is routed to HR for approval and final processing and is disapproved or returned, a worklist item is sent to the employee's manager with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

When a request is routed to HR for approval and final processing and is disapproved or returned, an email is sent to the employee with requested information or notifying them of the disapproved request.

When a manager-submitted request is disapproved, a worklist item is sent to the employee's manager notifying them of the disapproval.

When a manager-submitted request is disapproved, an email is sent to the employee notifying them of the disapproval.

When an employee's manager submits a PAR request for an employee, a worklist item is sent to the first level approver (First Authorizer) for review and approval.

Action Description (continued)

Once the Retro WGI request has passed the authorization and approval processes, it goes directly to the Human Resources office for final processing. A worklist item is sent to the employee's manager once HR has completed processing of the Retro WGI for that employee.

Once the Manual WGI request has passed the authorization and approval processes, it goes directly to the human resources office for final processing. A worklist item is sent to the employee's manager once HR has completed processing of the Manual WGI for that employee.

Once the Probation Termination request has passed the authorization and approval processes, it goes directly to the human resources office for final processing. A worklist item is sent to the appropriate manager once HR has completed processing.

Once the Tenure Conversion request has passed the authorization and approval processes, it goes directly to the human resources office for final processing. A worklist item is sent to the appropriate manager once HR has completed processing.

Once a WGI request has passed the authorization and approval processes, it goes directly to the human resources office for final processing. A worklist item is sent to the employee's manager once HR has completed processing of the WGI for that employee.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type










Workflow Action



PAR Authorizer

Supervisor-Part Posn Mgt

Roleuser by EmplID

Personnel Administrator

PAR Supervisor

Email Template

2nd Authorizers Worklist

Supervisor Worklist

EMail Employee

Approval Signature Worklist

HR Worklist

1st Authorizers Worklist

Retro WGI WL

Manual WGI WL

Except TC WL

PT Comp WL

TC Comp WL


Business Process

Perform 1st Authorization

1st Auth Disapprove/Return

Perform 2nd Authorization

2nd Auth Disapprove/Return

Perform Approval/Signature

Approver Disapproval/Return

Enter Employee Request

HR Process Disapprove/Return

Supervisor Disapproval/Return

Enter Supervisor Request

Processed Action

Business Activity

1st Authorization


2nd Authorization


Employee Request

Supervisor Request


Business Event

Route to 2nd Authorization

Route Disapproval/Return

Route for Approval Signature

Route to HR

Route Request to Supervisor

Route for 1st Authorization

Retro WGI Event

Manual WGI Event

Except TC Review

Notice PT Complete

Notice TC Complete

Notice WGI Complete

This topic discusses the Terminate Employee workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

Upon termination of an employee, various notifications are sent to roles within the organization to take action.

Action Description

This event sends an email to the employee's manager notifying them that the employee has been terminated.

This event sends an email to the Training Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel any outstanding course enrollments.

This event sends a worklist item to the Training Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel any outstanding course enrollments.

This event sends an email to the designated person notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to review profit sharing for the employee.

This event sends a worklist item to the designated person notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to review profit sharing for the employee.

This event sends an email to the Benefits Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel benefits for the employee.

This event sends a worklist item to the Benefits Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel benefits for the employee.

This event sends an email to the Payroll Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to process final pay for the employee.

This event sends a worklist item to the Payroll Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to process final pay for the employee.

This event sends an email to the terminating employee if that employee has profit-sharing rights notifying them to choose how they want to manage their account going forward.

This event sends a worklist item to the terminating employee if that employee has profit-sharing rights notifying them to choose how they want to manage their account going forward.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type




Workflow Action



MIS Administrator

Supervisor-Part Posn Mgt

Training Administrator

Roleuser by EmplID

Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Facilities Administrator

Email Template

MIS Administrator


Training Administrator

Profit Sharing to be reviewed

Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Facilities Administrator

Business Process

Administer Workforce

Business Activity

Terminate Workforce

Business Event


Crse Enrollment Cancellation

Profit Sharing

Benefit Cancellation

Payroll Termination

Company Property Retrieval

This topic discusses the Terminate Workforce workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

Upon termination of an employee, various notifications are sent to roles within the organization to take action.

Action Description

This event sends an email to the MIS Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to disable system accounts.

This event sends an email to the employee's manager notifying them that the employee has been terminated.

This event sends an email to the Training Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel any outstanding course enrollments.

This event sends a worklist item to the Training Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel any outstanding course enrollments.

This event sends an email to the Benefits Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel benefits for the employee.

This event sends a worklist item to the Benefits Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel benefits for the employee.

This event sends an email to the Payroll Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to process final pay for the employee.

This event sends a worklist item to the Payroll Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to process final pay for the employee.

This event sends an email to the Facilities Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to collect any outstanding company property from the employee prior to leaving.

This event sends a worklist item to the Facilities Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to collect any outstanding company property from the employee prior to leaving.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type




Workflow Action



MIS Administrator

Supervisor-Part Posn Mgt

Training Administrator

Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Facilities Administrator

Email Template

MIS Administrator


Training Administrator

Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Facilities Administrator

Business Process

Terminate Employee

Business Activity

Update Emp Payroll Data (USF)

Business Event


Crse Enrollment Cancellation

Benefit Cancellation

Payroll Termination

Company Property Retrieval

This topic discusses the (USF) Terminate Workforce workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

Upon termination of an employee, various notifications are sent to roles within the organization to take action.

Action Description

This event sends an email to the MIS Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to disable system accounts.

This event sends an email to the employee's manager notifying them that the employee has been terminated.

This event sends an email to the Training Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel any outstanding course enrollments.

This event sends a worklist item to the Training Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel any outstanding course enrollments.

This event sends an email to the Benefits Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel benefits for the employee.

This event sends a worklist item to the Benefits Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to cancel benefits for the employee.

This event sends an email to the Payroll Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to process final pay for the employee.

This event sends a worklist item to the Payroll Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to process final pay for the employee.

This event sends an email to the Facilities Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to collect any outstanding company property from the employee prior to leaving.

This event sends a worklist item to the Facilities Administrator notifying them that the employee has been terminated so appropriate action can be taken to collect any outstanding company property from the employee prior to leaving.

Notification Method

Email, Worklist

Workflow Objects

Information Type




Workflow Action



MIS Administrator

Supervisor-Part Posn Mgt

Training Administrator

Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Facilities Administrator

Email Template

MIS Administrator


Training Administrator

Benefits Administrator

Payroll Administrator

Facilities Administrator

Business Process

Terminate Employee

Business Activity

Update Emp Payroll Data (USF)

Business Event


Crse Enrollment Cancellation

Benefit Cancellation

Payroll Termination

Company Property Retrieval