Understanding Student Enrollment Options

These topics list common elements and discuss enrollment methods.

Field or Control


First, Previous, Next, and Last

Click to display another group of student IDs.

Refresh Search Fields

Click to clear the search criteria that you entered on the Name or ID Search page.

Search on Name or ID

Click to access the Name or ID Search page and filter students by name or ID.


Individual Training Rights (Droit Individuel a la Formation). Select this check box to calculate how many hours the employee gets for training purposes, according to his seniority, contract type and working hours.

Training Out of Working Hours

Specify the number of hours a student spends outside their work schedule.

Training Plan Category

Select a training plan category.

The values are: Skill Development, Adaptation to Job Changement, Job Preservation, Not Specified.

Enrollment options enable you to:

  • Set up sessions in advance and publishing a training schedule that students review to make their enrollment requests.

  • Set up waiting lists and creating course sessions only when there are enough students to fill the session.

Note: When you use the Enroll by Department Demand, Enroll by Employee Demands, or Group Enroll components, students with a wait-list status also appear in the course waiting list, and students with an enrolled status appear on the Enroll Individually page.

For all enrollment options, you can generate standard letters to notify students when you enroll them in a course or reschedule or cancel a course session.