(DEU) Setting Up German Workforce Tables

To set up the German workforce tables, use the Accident Insurance table (ACCDT_INS_TABLE), BA Cd table (BA_CD_TABLE), Function Code Table (FUNCTION_CD_TBL), Nation Duvo (NATION_DUVO_TABLE), Industrial Inspection (INDUST_INSP_GER), and SI Unit (SI_UNIT_GER) components.

These topics provide an overview of social insurance in Germany and discuss how to set up German workforce tables.

Page Name

Definition Name


Accident Insurance - Accident Insurance Table Page


Define accident insurance codes for German employees.

Accident Insurance Address Page


Enter address information for this accident insurance provider.

Accident Insurance Upload Page


Upload UVGT and UVSD files to use.

BA Codes (Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit Codes) Page


Add or update Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit job codes.

PeopleSoft maintains the BA Code table so that you can add or update it. All job codes are published by the German Federal Labor Office (Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit ) in Verzeichnis der Berufsbezeichnungen and are required on reports to the German Federal Labor Office.

Function Code Page


Add or maintain job codes for conducting statistical analyses of your workforce in Germany. For example, you can use the codes that you establish here to examine how many consultants, administrators, support staff, or sales representatives make up your workforce.

Nation Duvo Page


Add or update nation DEUEV information.

Industrial Inspection Page


Set up German industrial inspection codes that you associate with locations in your organization.

Industrial inspection codes are not effective-dated and have no status.

Social Insurance Unit Page


Set up German social insurance unit codes that you associate with locations in your organization.

Accident insurance in Germany is maintained and administered by private organizations (Berufsgenossenschaften) that act as employer's liability insurance associations. Employers pay out a certain amount in the form of premiums to these associations, who administer and pay out funds to workers injured on the job. To manage the amount your company contributes to the fund, set up information regarding accident insurance codes and accident insurance hazard codes. The insurance associations usually determine these codes.

To determine your premium, track the number of employees who belong to a hazard class. This number is multiplied by a hazard factor, and the results are supplied to the social insurance provider, which determines the required premium for your organization. These contribution amounts are based on the number of organizations that the provider serves; for example, if one of the companies in the group goes bankrupt, the other member companies may have to pay higher premiums.

Use the Accident Insurance Table page (ACCDT_INS_TABLE) to define accident insurance codes for German employees.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data DEU > Accident Insurance > Accident Insurance Table

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Accident Insurance - Accident Insurance Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Accident Insurance - Accident Insurance Table page

Field or Control



Enter the code for the hazard type.

Note: German hazard codes are regulated and standardized by the German government.

Hazard Class

Enter the class, or degree, of the covered hazard.

Use the Nation Duvo page (NATION_DUVO_TABLE) to add or update nation DEUEV information.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data DEU > Nation Duvo > Nation Duvo

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Nation Duvo page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Nation Duvo page

The Nation DEUEV table is maintained by PeopleSoft and stores nationality codes specified by the German DEUEV Directive that regulates how data is to be provided to the German social insurance administration by companies doing business in Germany. Using these codes is required for compliance with the German DEUEV (data transmission/transfer) Directive.

Note: The nation codes on the Nation DEUEV table are different from the country codes on the Country table. Nation DEUEV codes are specific to the German DEUEV Directive and are not based on ISO.

Note: The DEUEV Directive specifies the nationality key for each DEUEV country. Don't change it here unless the DEUEV Directive changes the nationality key.

Field or Control



Enter the nationality associated with this country. For example, the nationality associated with The Netherlands is Dutch.

Nationality Code

The DEUEV Directive specifies a unique two-character nationality code for each nationality key. These nationality codes are different from the three-character ISO country codes stored on the Country table.


Indicate an ISO country code to be associated with the DEUEV Directive nationality key.

OECD Country (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development country)

Select to indicate the nationality key is for an OECD country. Germany carefully regulates the types of industries in which citizens of non-OECD countries, like Iraq, can work. For example, non-OECD nationals are restricted from working in defense-related industries or for companies that produce products involving protected trade technologies.

Note: There isn't always a one-to-one correspondence between ISO countries on the Country table and the nationality keys on the Nation DEUEV table. The German DEUEV Directive makes nationality distinctions that have no direct relationship to ISO country standards.

EU-Land (European Union country)

Select to indicate this is European Union country. Workers from European Union nations are tracked for purposes of reporting to the German Social Insurance administration.

Note: Nationality keys are attached to an employee's job data on the Job Data Identity/Diversity page. If you're entering information for German workers, the system prompts for the worker's nationality code using the DEUEV nations on the Nation DEUEV table.