Creating the Survey Report Flat Files

This topic lists common elements and pages used to create the survey report flat files.

Page Name

Definition Name


FT Report File Page (full-time report file)


Create the FT survey report flat file.

PT Report File Page (part-time report file)


Create the PT survey report flat file.

Field or Control


Reporting Period

Displays the year of the data to load into the FT or PT survey report flat files.

Maintain reporting periods on the Report Period page.

Start Date

Displays the start and end dates of the employment year used to assess twelve months of employment and compensation amounts.

The system calculates the end date to be one day less than a year from the start date.

Maintain start dates on the Report Period page.

Output File Name

Displays the name of the survey report flat file from the Report Period page.

Use the FT Report File page (RUNCTL_HPH903CN) to create the full time survey report flat file.


Workforce Development, Faculty Events > Load Teaching Data CAN > Create Survey Stats CAN > FT Report File

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FT Report File page.

FP Report File page

Use the PT Report File page (RUNCTL_HPH904CN) to Create the part time survey report flat file.


Workforce Development, Faculty Events > Load Teaching Data CAN > Create Survey Stats CAN > PT Report File

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PT Report File page.

PT Report File page