Viewing Position Summary Information as an Administrator Using Fluid

This topic lists the pages that administrators can access from a single location in the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to view position summary information.

For general information about fluid pages in PeopleSoft HCM, see Understanding PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Homepages.

Page Name

Definition Name


Administer Positions Tile

HC_POSITION_SUMMARY (this is the cref for the tile)

Access a nav collection of classic pages to view current and historical summary information..

Position Summary Page


View general current and historical information about a position.

Position History Page


View information on incumbents currently and previously assigned to a position.

Use the Administer Positions tile to access a navigation collection of classic page to view current and historical summary information.


This example illustrates the Administer Positions tile.

Administer Positions tile

Click the Administer Positions tile to access the Position Administration navigation collection.


This example illustrates the Position Administration navigation collection.

Position Administration Nav Collection

Use the Position Administration navigation collection pages to quickly access classic pages to view current and historical summary information, including incumbent history, from one fluid location. The left panel of this page lists the components. The right panel displays the component selected in the left panel.

You can access the following classic pages from this nav collection:

Page Name


Position Summary Page

View general current and historical information about a position.

Position History Page

View information on incumbents currently and previously assigned to a position.