Integrating with Payroll Applications

This section provides an overview of integration with payroll applications and discusses how to:

  • Integrate with PeopleSoft Payroll for North America and PeopleSoft Global Payroll.

  • Set up integration points with payroll applications.

When the Group Status field on the Allocate Awards page is D (ready to submit), the Variable Compensation system submits monetary and non-stock, non-monetary awards for payout.

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America

If PeopleSoft Payroll for North America is installed on your database, the system publishes the awards directly to PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for payout.

PeopleSoft Global Payroll

If PeopleSoft Global Payroll is installed on your database, the system publishes the awards directly to PeopleSoft Global Payroll for payout.

3rd Party Payroll System

If you are using a 3rd Party Payroll system, you can set up the system to automatically generate a flat file containing the award data, which you can use as input into your payroll system.

Customers can develop such a process and set the end date to ensure that it only sends the award once. PeopleSoft, expects that the customer to send the flat file directly to the Third Party Payroll vendor and load it directly. The system logic is not checking if the PeopleSoft Payroll Interface is installed, it just checking if Payroll for North America is set to N for No.

Note: PeopleSoft does not deliver a process that loads a flat file into the Payroll Interface.

Multiple Payroll Systems

If you have multiple payroll systems installed on your database, the system refers to the pay system indicator on the worker's Job record to determine how to submit the award. If the worker is paid through PeopleSoft Payroll for North America or PeopleSoft Global Payroll, the system publishes the award through Integration Broker. If the worker is paid through Payroll Interface, the system creates a flat file for submittal.

Integration between Variable Compensation and these two payroll applications is automated through PeopleSoft Integration Broker. The variable compensation administrator does not run any processes for this integration. If awards are returned due to error, the VC administrator must resolve the reason for the error. The VC administrator can also request that awards be rejected if they are submitted in error.

These steps summarize the award payout integration between variable compensation (VC) and the PeopleSoft Payroll for North America and PeopleSoft Global Payroll applications.

Note: In this summary, payroll refers to both the PeopleSoft Payroll for North America and PeopleSoft Global Payroll applications unless otherwise specified.

  1. VC publishes awards.

    When the status of all individual awards on the Allocate Awards page is D, S, or C, the system changes the group status to D and publishes a message that inserts the awards into a publishing staging table. The Group Status and individual Award Status on the Allocate Awards page are changed to S (submitted).

  2. Payroll subscribes to the message.

    Subscription inserts the awards into a subscribing staging table.

  3. Payroll validates or rejects the VC data.

    • Validated awards:

      If VC data is valid, payroll proceeds with processing.

    • Erred or rejected awards:

      When payroll validates the VC data, it checks for error conditions that require correction prior to payroll processing. If errors are detected, payroll publishes an acknowledgment to VC and supplies reason codes.

  4. VC subscribes to the acknowledgement of rejected or erred awards. The subscription updates the Award tables.

    • If all awards for a specified VC plan and payout period are rejected at VC request due to error in VC submission, the Group Status and Award Status are changed to J (rejected).

    • If awards fail validation, the Group Status and Award Status are changed to E (error) and payroll supplies a reason code.

    • The award date is updated to the current date.

    • Workflow notification of erred or rejected awards is sent to the VC administrator.

      If the awards are erred or rejected by PeopleSoft Payroll for North America, the VC administrator can run the Subscription Error report to see the details of rejections, errors, and reasons. Otherwise, the VC administrator can check the Service Operations Monitor to view the details.

    • VC administrator corrects the awards and sets the individual Award Status to D (ready to submit). When all individual awards have the status of D, S, or C, the Group Status is changed to D, which triggers publishing of the awards.

  5. Payroll processes validated awards and issues checks.

  6. Payroll publishes a verification of payment to VC.

  7. VC subscribes to the verification of payment. The subscription updates the Award tables.

    • The subscription updates the Group Status and Award Status to P (paid/granted).

    • The subscription updates the Award Date to the value set by payroll as the date of payment (PeopleSoft Payroll for North America only).

Error Reason Codes

When PeopleSoft Payroll for North America or PeopleSoft Global Payroll publishes notification of erred awards (Award Status of E), the notification includes reason codes for the error.

  • PeopleSoft Payroll for North America error reason codes:

    • Invalid Earning Code (Invalid EC).

    • Invalid Employee ID & Record# (Invalid EE).

    • Invalid Currency Code (Invalid CC).

    • Transaction already exists (Tran exist).

    • Amount Exceeds Payroll Maximum (Exceed Max).

  • Global Payroll Error Reason Codes:

    • Invalid Currency Code (Invalid CC).

    • Transaction already exists (Tran exist).

    • Error Updating Gen PI (PI Err).

    • Error Updating ACK_PUB (Pub Err).

    • Invalid Pin Number (Pin Err).

Before using the integration between the Variable Compensation business process and PeopleSoft Payroll for North America or PeopleSoft Global Payroll, configure the Integration Broker local node, set up routings, and activate these service operations:

Service Operation

Message Definition


VC publishes award data to PeopleSoft Payroll for North America and payroll subscribes to the award data.


PeopleSoft Payroll for North America publishes payout data to VC and VC subscribes.


VC publishes award data to PeopleSoft Global Payroll and payroll subscribes to the award data.


PeopleSoft Global Payroll publishes payout data to VC and VC subscribes.

See Also Introduction to the PeopleSoft Interactive Services Repository (ISR) and PeopleTools: Integration Broker