Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications

To set up labor administration disciplinary, grievance, and resolution classifications use the Disciplinary Steps or Disciplinary Steps USF component (DISCIP_STEP_TABLE), Disciplinary Type or Disciplinary Type USF component (DISCIP_TYPE_TABLE), Disciplinary Events USF component (GVT_DIS_EVENTS_TBL), Grievance Type Table component (GRIEV_TYPE_TABLE), Grievance Step Table component (GRIEV_STEP_TABLE), and Resolution Type component (RESLTN_TYPE_TBL). Use the DISCIP_STEP_TABLE component interface to load data into the tables for the Disciplinary Steps component and the GRIEV_STEP_TABLE component interface to load data into the tables for the Grievance Step Table component.

This topic discusses how to set up disciplinary, grievance, and resolution classifications.

Page Name

Definition Name


Disciplinary Steps Page


Enter steps to be taken in the disciplinary process.

(USF) Disciplinary Step Table Page


Enter steps to be taken in the disciplinary process.

Disciplinary Type Page and Disciplinary Type USF Page


Set up types of actions that may require managers to impose disciplinary actions on workers.

(USF) Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1 Page


(USF) Set up the first penalty matrix indicating the offense levels for the discipline type.

(USF) Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2 Page


(USF) Set up the second penalty matrix indicating the recommended disciplinary step for each offense levels.

Disciplinary Events USF Page


Set up disciplinary events that can be assigned to a worker in the event of disciplinary action.

Grievance Type Table Page


Set up the different types of grievances that workers, applicants, or unions might file.

Grievance Step Table Page


Set up steps that can be taken to resolve grievances.

Labor Resolution Types Page


Set up resolutions to track disciplinary or grievance outcomes.

Use the Disciplinary Steps page (DISCIP_STEP_TABLE) to enter steps to be taken in the disciplinary process.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Disciplinary Steps > Disciplinary Steps

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Steps page.

Disciplinary Steps page

Use the Disciplinary Step Table page (GVT_DISCIP_STEP) to enter steps to be taken in the disciplinary process.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Disciplinary Steps USF > Disciplinary Step Table

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Step Table page.

Disciplinary Step Table page

Field or Control


Action Reportable to Union

Select if the action disciplinary action should be reported to the union.

Days to Complete

Enter the number of days it takes the person to complete the disciplinary action.

Use the Disciplinary Type page or the Disciplinary Type USF page (DISCIP_TYPE_TABLE) to set up types of actions that may require managers to impose disciplinary actions on workers.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Disciplinary Type > Disciplinary Type

  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Disciplinary Type USF > Disciplinary Type USF

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Type page.

Disciplinary Type page

Use the Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1 page (GVT_DISCIP_OFFNSES) to set up the first penalty matrix indicating the offense levels for the discipline type.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Disciplinary Type USF > Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1

Enter a row for each Disciplinary Offense Level.

Use the Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2 page (GVT_RECMND_ACTIONS) to set up the second penalty matrix indicating the recommended disciplinary step for each offense levels.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Disciplinary Type USF > Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2

Field or Control


Recommended Actions

Enter the recommended actions. The system automatically displays the Usual Days To Complete, as defined on the Disciplinary Events USF page.

This display helps managers approximate how long it will take to complete this action so they can plan how to fit each course of action into their workloads. Your labor administration specialists can establish these as experience dictates. However, government and agency policies or union agreements may affect these recommendations.

Use the Disciplinary Events USF page (GVT_DIS_EVENTS_TBL) to set up disciplinary events that can be assigned to a worker in the event of disciplinary action.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Disciplinary Events USF > Disciplinary Events USF

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Events USF page.

Disciplinary Events USF page

Use the Grievance Type Table page (GRIEV_TYPE_TABLE) to set up the different types of grievances that workers, applicants, or unions might file.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Grievance Type Table

This example illustrates the Grievance Type Table page.

Grievance Type Table page

Use the Grievance Step Table page (GRIEV_STEP_TABLE) to set up steps that can be taken to resolve grievances.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Grievance Step Table

This example illustrates the Grievance Step Table page.

Grievance Step Table page

Use the Labor Resolution Types page (RESLTN_TYPE_TABLE) to set up resolutions to track disciplinary or grievance outcomes.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Labor Resolution Types

This example illustrates the Labor Resolution Types page.

Labor Resolution Types page