Tracking Disciplinary Actions

This topic discusses how to track disciplinary actions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Disciplinary Action Page


Describe the incident that led to a disciplinary action against a worker.

Action Taken Page


Document details of disciplinary actions taken against a worker.

Disciplinary Resolution Page


Record the final resolution of an incident that required disciplinary action.

Use the Disciplinary Action page (DISCIPLINARY_ACTN) to describe the incident that led to a disciplinary action against a worker.


Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Record Disciplinary Actions > Disciplinary Action

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Action page.

Disciplinary Action page

Field or Control


Total Incident

Each time you enter a new disciplinary offense for this worker, the system calculates and displays the total number of incidents.


Select a disciplinary action type.

Reported Date

Select the date the disciplinary action is reported.

Supervisor ID

Select the worker's supervisor ID if the default supervisor ID selected from the worker's Work Location page isn't accurate.

Purge Date

The system automatically inserts a purge date of six months from the Reported Date.

Note: This field is informational only and the system does not purge data automatically based upon this date. You may use this field to write an SQR to purge old disciplinary incidents, but the system will not do this automatically.

Letter Code

Select the type of letter you want to issue the worker.

Date Letter Printed

The system generates this date when you run the standard letter process.

Use the Action Taken page (ACTION_TAKEN) to document details of disciplinary actions taken against a worker.


Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Record Disciplinary Actions > Action Taken

This example illustrates the Action Taken page.

Action Taken page

Action Taken

Enter as many rows as necessary to resolve the disciplinary issue.

Field or Control


Disciplinary Step

Select a disciplinary step for the disciplinary type.

Step Resolution and Action Date

Select the resolution type that occurred for this step and the date when the disciplinary step took place.

Discussed With

Enter the name of the person with whom you discussed the step.

Use the Disciplinary Resolution page (DISCIP_ACTN_RESLTN) to record the final resolution of an incident that required disciplinary action.


Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Record Disciplinary Actions > Disciplinary Resolution

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Resolution page.

Disciplinary Resolution page

Field or Control


Final Resolution

Select the resolution type that indicates how the incident was finally resolved.