(USF) Entering Union Negotiability Appeals

This topic discusses how to track union negotiability appeals.

Page Name

Definition Name


Record Negotiability Appeal USF Page


Track union negotiability appeal items and the steps taken to resolve them.

Use the Record Negotiability Appeal USF page (GVT_NEGBLTY_ITEMS) to track union negotiability appeal items and the steps taken to resolve them.


Workforce Administration > Labor Administration > Negotiability Appeal USF > Negotiability Appeal USF

This example illustrates the Record Negotiability Appeal USF page.

Record Negotiability Appeal USF page

Field or Control


Item Status

Indicate the status of the appeal of this item. If the resolution affects the status of the item being appealed, update the Item Status field at the same time.

Appeal Step

Use only for sequencing the events or steps. Enter steps in the order in which they happened, if known.

Description and Long Description

When that step is resolved, describe the resolution.


Enter the date on which the step was or will be resolved.