Certifying Time and Effort

Page Name

Definition Name


Grants Time and Effort Certification Page


(E&G) Select earnings codes to include in time and effort certification.

Time/Effort Certification Report Page


(E&G) Run the GM Time and Effort Certification report.

This page is identical to the common run control page used for many payroll processes and reports.


Higher education organizations can use the Grants Time and Effort Certification report (GMTEC002) to satisfy A-21 Certification requirements. Time and effort certification applies to any individual who receives funding through your institution's sponsored programs office and to anyone who charges more than one funding source or project/grant. Each institution handles this reporting requirement differently.

See your PeopleSoft Grants product documentation.

(E&G) Use the Grants Time and Effort Certification page (GM_TEC_OT_ERNCD) to select earnings codes to include in time and effort certification.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Compensation and Earnings > Grants Time and Effort Certif > Grants Time and Effort Certification

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Grants Time and Effort Certification page.

Grants Time and Effort Certification page

Field or Control


Earnings Code

Select the earnings code to include in the time and effort certification.

The SQR normally includes all regular earnings hours and amounts, but each employee can have a number of other earnings (additional pay, overtime, bonus, parking allowance, expense reimbursement, and so on). You will not want all of these earnings to be included in the GM Grants Time and Effort Certification report. You can control which of these other earnings to include in the report by listing the specific earnings codes on this page.