Deleting ROE Data Records

Page Name

Definition Name


ROE Data 1 Page (Record of Employment data 1)


(CAN) Flag ROE data records for deletion.

ROE Summary Report Page


(CAN) Produce the PAY125CN summary report of ROE Data records that have a ROE status of delete. Delete all ROE Data records that have a ROE process of delete.

You can delete extraneous ROE data records that were created in error, providing that those records do not reflect a ROE process status of complete. To protect the history records of valid ROE Data records, this process cannot be used to delete records that were previously used to produce ROE forms in Final Print mode. The process also cannot be used to delete amended ROE Data records.

Deleting ROE Data records is a two-step process.

  1. Flag the appropriate records for deletion by using the ROE Data 1 page.

    Do this by selecting Delete in the ROE Process field.

  2. Run the ROE Summary SQR Report process (PAY125CN) to physically delete the flagged records from the database.

    Select Delete as the ROE process status and select the Delete ROEs check box.

    ROE data records with EI payable dates that fall within the specified start date and end date will be selected for deletion.