Establishing Earnings Programs

To set up earnings programs, use the Earnings Program Table (EARNS_PROGRAM_TBL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Earnings Program Table Page


Define earnings programs for pay groups and the employees belonging to those groups.

Earnings Program Report Page


Run PAY717, which generates a report that lists information from the Earnings Program table.

After you define earnings codes in the Earnings table, you must establish earnings programs in the Earnings Program table. An earnings program is a set of earnings codes that are valid for one or more pay groups. A single company can have any number of earnings programs. An individual employee can belong to only one program, and the earnings codes constituting that program are the only valid earnings codes for that employee.

To define an earnings program, you define valid earnings codes for the pay groups that use that program, and hence for the employees belonging to those pay groups. For example:

  • If executives don't get overtime pay, their pay group's earnings program doesn't include overtime as a valid earnings code.

  • You might exclude part-time employees who work fewer than 30 hours a week from certain benefits.

The earnings program that you enter on the Company - Default Settings page becomes the default earnings program for the pay groups that you define in the Pay Group Table component (PAYGROUP_TABLE). To override this default, specify a different earnings program for a pay group on the Pay Group Table - Calc Parameters page. You cannot override the pay group earnings program at the employee level. If Nancy belongs to a certain pay group, she must belong to that pay group's earnings program.

Use the Earnings Program Table page (EARNS_PROGRAM_TBL) to define earnings programs for pay groups and the employees belonging to those groups.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Compensation and Earnings > Earnings Program Table > Earnings Program Table

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Earnings Program Table page.

Earnings Program Table page

Field or Control


Earnings Code

Select each earnings code to include in the program. Insert additional rows if necessary.