FLSA Rates with Mid-Period Rate Changes

This example illustrates how the system calculates the FLSA rate when a rate change occurs mid-period.

An employee is paid weekly. The pay period begin date is May 15, 2000 (Monday) and the end date is May 21, 2000 (Sunday). The employee works a Monday-through-Friday schedule. Her rate is 10 USD per hour, but she gets a pay rate increase, effective May 18, 2000, to 20 USD per hour.

This diagram shows an example of two-payline paysheet with a mid-period rate change:

This diagram shows an example of two-payline paysheet with a mid-period rate change.

Illustration of a two-payline paysheet for a mid-period rate change

Note: The system's FLSA rate calculation incorporates the entire period. This means that only one FLSA rate exists for the entire period.

FLSA Calculation

The following table displays the FLSA calculation:




Regular hours

24 at 10.00 USD per hour

240.00 USD

Overtime hours

4 at 10.00 USD per hour

40.00 USD

Shift premium


500.00 USD

Regular hours

16 at 20.00 USD per hour

320.00 USD

Overtime hours

6 at 20.00 USD per hour

120.00 USD

Shift premium


500.00 USD


50 hours

1700.00 USD

The FLSA rate equals 34.00 USD per hour, or 1,700 USD for 50 hours.

Paycheck Results

The following table displays the paycheck results:




Regular hours


240.00 USD (24 hrs× 10 USD per hour)

Overtime hours


162.00 USD (6 hrs × 10 USD per hour + 6 hrs × 0.5 × 34 USD per hour)


500.00 USD

Regular hours


320.00 USD (16 hrs × 20 USD per hour)

Overtime hours


148.00 USD (4 hrs × 20 USD per hour + 4 hrs × 0.5 × 34 USD per hour)


500.00 USD

Note: The system calculates the FLSA rate for the entire period, and the overtime premium (the 0.5 part of the overtime) uses the FLSA rate for both.