Generate Paysheet Reports

Page Name

Definition Name


Print Paysheets Page


Generate the PAY009 report that details the results of the Create Paysheet process.

Print Paysheet Earnings Distribution Page


Generates paysheets for distributed earnings. PAY017 is similar to PAY009 (Print Paysheets), but it scans employee records for paylines related to distributed earnings.

When you read paysheet reports, the information that you see on the By Paysheet - Paysheet page is reduced to one line in a report.

If an employee has additional earnings on the paysheet, the payline number doesn't change; it is merely extended. The second pay earnings entry becomes a second line in the report and is prefaced with the employee's payline number and a hyphen (for example, 1, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3).

The first number (in this example, 1) represents the initial pay earnings information for the payline, which is entered in the Job record. Subsequent pay earnings (1-1, 1-2) refer to additional data defined by that person's Job record or Additional Pay Earnings records.

The standard Paysheets report (PAY009) displays all the information that is associated with paylines. Each line on this report represents a different payline or pay earnings entry, identified by employee ID. In the Company table, indicate how many lines should appear on each page. On the Pay Group table, determine how to sort the pages (by employee ID, department).

For each By Paysheet - Paysheet page, the system creates a By Paysheet - Page Balances page that includes the total number of:

  • Paylines

  • Regular hours

  • Regular pay

This By Paysheet - Page Balances control provides a total based on what the paysheet batch process creates. These totals are not updated by paysheet entries that you make after you create paysheets.