Handling Direct Deposit Reversals

Currently, Payroll for North America does not support reversing direct deposit by sending a reverse wire to the bank (with a negative amount to debit the employee's account), even if the reversal was processed in the same payroll run. You must contact the bank directly to stop the payment.

If the Direct Deposit file has not been transmitted to the bank, you could unconfirm the entire payroll, disable the employee's direct deposit data, rerun the payroll calculations, and rerun the confirmation process.

Reissuing the Payment after Stopping Payment at the Bank

If the direct deposit file has been transmitted to the bank, you have already called the bank to stop the payment, and the direct deposit was 100 percent of the employee's funds, you can use one of the following options to reissue the payment to the employee:

  • Use the Reversal/Adjustment process.

    On the adjustment check, disable the direct deposit indicator, then calculate and confirm the check.

  • Reverse the payment using the Reversal process, and process a manual check or off-cycle check.

  • Request the Accounts Payable department to reissue the check for the net amount.

    Do not process a reversal.

If the direct deposit was a partial direct deposit, you can issue a manual check for the amount of the advice's net pay. Do not process a reversal or process the manual check through payroll. The employees' balances have not changed; you are just giving them the money.