Overflow Checks and Advices

When an employee’s number of earnings detail lines (all earnings with either a current pay period amount or a YTD balance greater than zero) exceeds 13, which is the maximum number that can be printed on the first wage statement page, you can generate an overflow wage statement to print 32 additional lines, for a total of 45 lines of wage detail.

Similarly, when an employee’s number of tax, before-tax deduction, after-tax deduction or employer paid benefit detail lines (all taxes or deductions, or benefits with either a current pay period amount or a YTD balance amount greater than zero) exceeds 13, you can generate an overflow wage statement to print 13 additional lines, for a maximum total of 26 lines of detail for taxes, deductions, employer paid benefits, or all.

See Understanding BI Publisher Reports and Templates in Setting Up to Print and View Paychecks and Year-End Pay Forms with BI Publisher (BIP).

The samples in this topic show overflow checks and advices for a non-exempt salaried employee who works in New York.