Preparing Annual Payroll Reports

Year end processing is documented extensively in the Year End Processing guide, which is updated and issued every year during the November time frame in a tax update.

See Year End Processing: U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Territories Guide.

The table in this topic lists the pages used to print annual payroll reports that can be run throughout the year to prepare for the year end processing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Error Listing Report Page


Generate the TAX900 report that lists employees who have negative tax balances or reportable wage amounts that would cause overflow in fields when the system writes W-2 data to magnetic media. It also checks for other error conditions.

Normally, you run this report at year-end, but you can run it at other times to verify social security numbers or to check for negative tax balances and other error conditions.

FUTA Credit Reduction Tax Page


Produces a report that lists all employee tax balance occurrences for the tax year where an adjustment is required to make YTD Tax = (YTD Taxable Gross x Credit Reduction Rate)

You normally run this at year-end, but you can run it at other times to verify data.

FUTA Wage Reconciliation Rpt Page (Federal Unemployment Tax Act wage reconciliation report)


Generate the TAX940 report that provides federal unemployment tax wage reconciliation.

You normally run this at year-end, but you can run it at other times to verify data.

FUTA Taxable Wages by UI State Page (Federal Unemployment Tax Act wage by state report)


Produces a report that provides federal unemployment tax wage data by UI state which is required to complete the Form 940 Schedule A.

You normally run this at year-end, but you can run it at other times to verify data.