Setting Up BPS Reporting Tables

To set up BPS reporting tables, use the Business Information (BPS_CONTACT) and Activity Table (BPS_ACT_TBL) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


BPS Business Information Page (Business Payrolls Survey business information)


(CAN) Enter the business and contact information for Record Type 1 of the survey's EDR file.

BPS Activity Table (Business Payrolls Survey activity table)


(CAN) Create the business activities (defined by Statistics Canada) to set up the reporting units in the BPS Reporting Unit table.

(CAN) Use the BPS Business Information (Business Payrolls Survey business information) page (BPS_CONTACT_CAN) to enter the business and contact information for Record Type 1 of the survey's EDR file.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Business Payrolls Survey CAN > Business Information > BPS Business Information

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the BPS Business Information page.

BPS Business Information page

Field or Control


Business Number

The system automatically retrieves this payroll account number from the company's Wage Loss Plan record. This field is display-only.

Contact Name

Enter the name of your company's BPS contact person as it should appear in the transmission file.

(CAN) Use the BPS Activity Table (Business Payrolls Survey activity table) page (BPS_ACT_TBL) to create the business activities (defined by Statistics Canada) to set up the reporting units in the BPS Reporting Unit table.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Business Payrolls Survey CAN > Activity Table > BPS Activity Table

Note: Use the Job Code Profile page to link BPS activities to job codes. When defining initial BPS activity codes on the Job Code Table component (JOB_CODE_TBL), apply updates to all relevant current, history, and future-dated records for the reference months required for reporting.