Enumeration Parameters

Enumeration parameters map to fields that have a set list of possible values. When running a report with a enumeration parameter, P6 will offer a list to select one of the values. Users will see the localized text for the enumeration value's description; however, the return value will be the English description of the enumeration, which is the value the PX Views database stores.

This section contains the following information for each supported enumeration parameter:

Parameter: Activity Priority

Parameter: Assignment Proficiency

Parameter: Activity Status

Parameter: Activity Type

Parameter: Constraint Type

Parameter: Duration Type

Parameter: Percent Complete Type

Parameter: Project Status

Parameter: Rate Source

Parameter: Rate Type

Parameter: Resource Type

Parameter: Risk Status

Parameter: Risk Type

Related Topics

Supported Parameters in P6

Dynamic Parameters

Primitive Parameters

Allowing for Multiple Values Returned via a List

Last Published Tuesday, December 12, 2023