Configuring Activity View Gantt Chart

Configure Gantt chart options to determine how the chart will display.

To configure Gantt chart options:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
  3. On the Activities page:
    1. Click Customize View.
    2. In the Manage View dialog box, click the Gantt tab.
    3. On the Gantt tab:
      • Select the Data date line option to show the data date on the Gantt.
      • Select the Relationship lines option to show lines between activities on the Gantt.
      • Select the Non-driving relationships option to draw lines between activities on the Gantt even where the relationship doesn't affect the successor's dates.
      • Select the Sight Lines option to show vertical lines between each segment of the timescale.
      • Select the Non-work time shading option to have non-work time shaded on the Gantt.
      • Select a Timescale.
    4. Click Apply.


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Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024