About Resource Teams

Resource teams provide a convenient way for you to associate personnel into smaller, more meaningful groups within an organization. Using resource teams increases efficiency in staffing activities, tracking allocation, and communicating project progress and performance. When working with pages and tabs that display resource data, such as the Resources Planning, Assignments, or Analysis pages, you can choose to organize by resource team. You can then choose to view team data, such as total units for the team, or view individual unit values for each team member. For example, the Resource Usage tab available from the Analysis page provides total allocation data for the team, as well as for each team resource when the tab is grouped by Resource Team.

Global resource teams are available to all users. User resource teams are only accessible to the user currently logged in. You can create and modify user resource teams for your personal use. A resource can be assigned to more than one resource team. If you have the required security privilege, you can also create and modify global resource teams.

In addition to viewing Resource Teams from the Resources section, you can view the resources that belong to a team, including each resource's primary role and number of active projects, by viewing the Resource Team Summary portlet on the Dashboards page.

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024