About Issues

Issues are perceived problems within a schedule that require attention or corrective action. When you create them in the Activities section, you can associate them with a single project and assign them to a responsible manager in the OBS for follow-up based on priority. You can also associate issues with a single activity. You can choose to receive email notifications when new issues of a certain priority are added, when existing issues are modified, or when issues are assigned a specific issue code.

You can also think of issues as impediments, action items, open items, punch lists, logs, or concerns. Over time, if you do not resolve or close open issues or issues placed on hold, they can become risks.

For example, you can create an issue code titled Severity, and subsequently create issue code values: High, Medium, and Low. You can assign each of these code values to issues across multiple projects, enabling you to categorize each issue according to how severe it is. Similarly, you can create codes to categorize issues by responsibility, subproject, or any other classification you require to organize issues. Assigning issue codes enables you to quickly search for and view issues according to specific criteria.

Related Topics

Creating Activity Issues

Configuring Activity Issues

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024