About Resources

A resource is any quantifiable item in limited supply and of sufficient value to justify tracking and assigning to specific activities for a project. Resources include general or specialized labor, non-labor items such as equipment, and material items such as bricks.

Resources perform roles, if defined. Resources are indirectly assigned to activities by first planning the role required. It is also possible to directly assign resources to activities. For example, Chris, a level 2 contractor with the confirmed skills and status, is directly assigned to activity 01. However, a technician level 4 role is assigned to activity 02. The project will proceed while management determines the best available resource to fulfill this role.

When you assign a resource to an activity, if that resource has a primary role, the assignment includes the resource's primary role.

Note: Exercise extreme caution when deleting resources. When a resource is deleted, all historical data for that resource is also deleted. This includes resource costs and spreads from all projects to which that resource was assigned. Deleting resources can change the costs and units figures for all projects to which that resource was assigned. In most circumstances you should not delete resources, but clear the Active option for the resource on the Resources tab on the Resources Administration page.

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024