Working with Activities

Although you might view activities any number of ways in P6, including on dashboards, reports, and the Resource Assignments page, the most common and direct way to work with project activities is on the Activities page and, specifically, in the Activity Table.

This illustration is a graphical representation of the text in the following table.

The Activity Table



item one

Open Projects: Open the projects you want to work with using the Open Projects menu item. Then click Activities in the navigation bar. The Activities page shows which projects are currently open.

item  two

Grid: You can select activities and update them within the grid or on the detail windows.

item  three

Gantt: Refer to the optional Gantt view to supplement your work in the table with a visual representation of the schedule.

item  four

Row Actions Menu: Add and delete activities or add, delete, expand, and collapse WBS elements with this menu.

item five

Expand/Collapse Dock: Expand or collapse the dock to view detailed information about the selected activity.

item six

Show/Hide Tabs: Show or hide the tabs you want to see in the view.


Related Topics

Creating Activities

Copying and Pasting Activities

Configuring General Activity Information

Assigning Locations to Activities

About Suspending and Resuming Activities

Dissolving Activities

Recalculating Assignment Costs

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024