Creating Budget Change Requests

Create budget change requests when seeking approval to proposed changes to an EPS, project, or WBS budget.

As projects progress, changes in scope, resource reallocation, funding additions/withdrawals, or other factors that affect original budgeted amounts, often occur. The Budget Log detail windows enable you to track modifications that affect the budget. This log also provides a clear indication of the who, what, when, where, and why behind the change.

To create a budget change request:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
  3. On the EPS page, select an EPS or project and click the Budget Log detail window.
    1. In the Budget Log detail window:
      • Click Add to add a budget log line item.
      • In the Date field, select a date.
      • In the Amount field, enter a currency value.
      • In the Responsible field, enter the name of the responsible person or department.
      • In the Status list, select a status value for the proposed change.
    2. On the EPS page, click Save.


Related Topics

About Budgets

Working with Budgets

Establishing Budgets

Approving or Denying Budget Change Requests

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024