Future Period Planning: Settings

Timescale setting of the Usage Options dialog box.

When you select a smaller timescale interval from the timescale you used to enter future period values, the values you entered in the future periods are spread linearly over the smaller future periods based on the assigned calendar.

When you select a larger timescale interval, the values you originally entered in the smaller timescale intervals are aggregated into the larger intervals.

If you subsequently change the timescale back to the setting you used when you entered values in future periods, the values appear as you originally entered them.

Note: The timescale value does not affect the number of units you can assign to a future period. For example, if your timescale is set to Day, P6 will not prevent you from entering more than 24 hours.

Future period planning only supports a single line in the timescale.

Linking planned and at completion.

If the project option Link planned and at completion for not started activities is selected and you enter a value in the planned units field for a not started activity, P6 populates the remaining early units field with the same value; the reverse is also true. If this option is not selected, you can enter different values for the same future period in the planned units and remaining early units fields; in this case, the total values for each field are calculated independently for the assignment.

Activity settings.

Duration types: You can enter period values on assignments when the activity associated with the assignment has a duration type of Fixed Duration & Units or Fixed Duration and Units/Time. You cannot enter future period values for assignments to activities with a duration type of Fixed Units or Fixed Units/Time.

Activity types: You can enter period values on assignments to any type of activity except milestone activities.

Related Topics

About Future Period Planning

Working with Future Period Planning

Creating a Future Period Planning Layout

Editing Period Values for Assignments

Last Published Tuesday, March 26, 2024