Steps Detail Window of the Step Templates Page


Use this detail window to add, organize, and weigh steps in a step template.

Screen Elements

Add (Ins) button

Creates a new entry in the current table.

Customize View

Opens the Customize View dialog box.


Searches the view or dialog box for data matching the criteria entered into the box.

Row Actions menu

Add: Creates a new item.

Delete: Removes the selected item permanently.

Copy: Copies the selected item.

Paste: Pastes a previously cut or copied item into the selected position.

Move Up: Moves the selected item up within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Down: Moves the selected item down within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Step Name field

The name of the step in the step template.

Description field

The description of the activity step.

Weight field

The weight of each corresponding step. To indicate the portion of activity work that a single step represents, you can assign it a numerical value, or step weight.

Once work for a step is underway, P6 can use the step weight and the reported progress of step work (Step Percent Complete) to calculate the percentage of total work that has been completed for the activity (Activity Percent Complete).

Getting Here

To access enterprise data:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Enterprise Data.
  3. On the Enterprise Data page, expand Activities and click Step Templates.
  4. On the Step Templates page, click the Steps detail window.

Related Topics

About Step Templates

Creating Step Templates

Configuring Step Templates

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024