General Page


Use this page to specify general default options.

Screen Elements

Starting Day of Week

First day of week for calendars list

Use the arrow to choose a day. The start day of the week affects how all days in a week are displayed in profiles, spreadsheets, and other layouts in which a weekly timescale can be displayed. For example, if Wednesday is selected as the starting day of the week, the week is displayed as WTFSSMT.

Note: When using View Calendar or going to Calendar views in Enterprise Data, the First day of week for calendars setting is ignored.

Activity Duration

Default duration for new activities field

The default duration for new activities in all projects. Having a default duration simplifies the process of adding new activities.


Code separator character field

The character that separates hierarchy levels in roles, resource codes, project codes, cost accounts, issue codes, activity codes, and risk categories; it is also the default separator for WBS codes in all new projects.

P6 Professional Applications

Online Help URL field

The help URL that will allow users to access help for P6 Professional. If this field is left blank, the Online Help option will not be available and Local help will always launch when the F1 key or Help shortcut are used.

Leave the default URL to launch the version of the help hosted by Oracle when Online Help is selected from the Help menu.

Remove the URL to disable the Online Help option from the Help menu for all users. Users will only be able to access the local version of the help.

Specify a new URL location to launch when Online Help is selected from the Help menu.

Using the hosted version ensures that you always have the most current help content.

Always launch the Online Help for the F1 shortcut key and context sensitive help option

Switch on this option if your users have access to the internet and need to be able to see the most up to date version of Help. If this option is switched off, accessing Help via the F1 key and Help shortcuts will always show local help. This option is off by default.

Run in Secure Global Desktop environment option

Switch on this option if you want P6 Professional users to run the application in Secure Global Desktop.

Note: If this option is selected, P6 Professional users will not be able to see database details and system information on the System tab of the About page.

Enable offline mode option

Switch on this option if your users need to be able to use offline mode. If this option is switched off, you cannot change assign the Enable Work Offline global security profile privilege.

Industry Selection

Industry to use for terminology and default calculation settings in the P6 Professional module list

Use the arrow to choose the type of industry in which you use this application. The industry you choose causes P6 Professional to use terminology and default settings for calculations that most closely align with the selected industry.

Engineering and Construction: Determines the use of terminology and default settings for calculations aligned with the engineering and construction industries.

Government, Aerospace, and Defense: Determines the use of terminology and default settings for calculations aligned with government and with aerospace and defense industries.

High Tech, Manufacturing, and Others: Determines the use of terminology and default settings for calculations aligned with high-technology, manufacturing, and other industries.

Utilities, Oil, and Gas: Determines the use of terminology and default settings for calculations aligned with the utility, oil, and gas industries.

Note: Until an industry is selected P6 Professional users will see a message each time they log in which explains that this option has not been set.

Cost Spread

Spread cost based on options

Determines how costs are spread in resource analysis, capacity planning, team usage, and assignments pages as well as the usage chart in the resource and role assignment pickers. Other affected areas of P6 EPPM are publishing, summarizing, live assignment spreads, integration with Primavera Unifier, reports, and Analytics. If you have P6 Professional connected to your P6 EPPM database, the resource spreadsheets and histograms in Resource Analysis, Resource Assignments, and Team Usage views are affected.

Linear Spread: Determines that costs are spread evenly across the time period, regardless of any changes in resource or role rates.

Units Spread: Determines that cost spreads are calculated to account for periodic changes in resource or role rates.


What's New Dialog

Display What's New Dialog option

Determines whether the dialog describing the new features in P6 EPPM is shown to users when they log into P6 for the first time after an update.

Password Policy

Enable option

Determines whether to enable the password policy.

Use the Password Policy to authorize a password that is 8-20 characters long and that contains at least one letter and one number.

Identify Baseline Activities

Identify baseline activities using options

Determines whether to match activities in the project with their corresponding activities in the baseline using the Activity ID/Code or the internal GUID (Globally Unique ID) of the activity.

Date Filters

Finish date filters use start of Current Date, Week, and Month option

Determines how to define the timeframe of Current Day, Week, or Month filters that use finish dates.

Select this option to define the timeframe based on the beginning of the day, week, or month. Clear this option to define the timeframe based on the end of the day, week, or month.

Oracle Guided Learning

Display Oracle Guided Learning content option

Enables Oracle Guided Learning content in P6 EPPM. Oracle Guided Learning provides in-app training via interactive, step-by-step guides.

P6 Web OGL App ID field

The Application ID for the P6 Oracle Guided Learning instance.

TM Web OGL App ID field

The Application ID for the P6 Team Member Web Oracle Guided Learning instance.

OGL Environment Type list

Cloud only: Determines whether Oracle Guided Learning is connected to the Stage or Production environment of your P6 installation.

Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Application Settings.
  3. On the Application Settings page, click General.

Related Topics

About Application Settings

Working with Application Settings

Configuring General Settings

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024