Users Detail Window of the OBS Page


Use this detail window to view and assign users for a selected organizational breakdown structure (OBS).

Screen Elements

Assign button

You can assign users, by their login names, to the OBS elements to grant access to the corresponding EPS nodes or projects.

Row Actions menu

Delete: Removes the selected item or association permanently. You must select both a single OBS element and a single user to perform this command. Only the user's assignment to the OBS element is deleted, not the actual user account.

Login Name field

The login name for the user.

Personal Name field

The personal name for the user. This name might be a nickname, full name, reference to a role or department, or include any information recognized by your organization to identify the user.

Project Security Profile field

Determines the project access granted to the user.

Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click User Administration.
  3. On the User Administration page, click OBS.
  4. On the OBS page, click the Users detail window.

Related Topics

About the OBS

Creating an OBS

Assigning Users to an OBS

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024