Customizing My Preferences Global Preferences

Customize global preferences to create a working environment that suits your needs. The global preferences you select affect only your interaction with the application; other users are not affected by your changes.

Global preferences is broken down into several sections. To see how to customize a section, use any of the tasks listed below.

Related Topics

About My Preferences

Customizing Global Currency Preferences

Customizing Global Date Format Preferences

Customizing Email Notification Preferences

Customizing Global Performance Threshold Preferences

Customizing Project Score Preferences

Customizing Global Resources Preferences

Customizing Global Row Number Preferences

Customizing Global Time Units Format Preferences

Sending Email Notifications about Resource Assignments

Customizing My Preferences View Preferences

Changing Your Own Password

Unlocking Your Account

My Preferences Page

Global Tab of the My Preferences Page

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024