Creating Resource Calendars

Create a resource calendar to determine when a resource can work.

To create a resource calendar:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Enterprise Data.
  3. On the Enterprise Data page, expand Resources and click Resource Calendars.
  4. On the Resource Calendars page:
    1. Click on Personal Calendars to create a private calendar for the resource, or click on Shared Calendars to create a calendar for multiple resources to share that the resources cannot edit.
    2. Click Add.
  5. If you are creating a Personal Calendar, in the Select Resource dialog box, select a resource and click Select.

    If you are creating a Shared Calendar, in the Select Calendar To Copy dialog box:

    1. Choose Global or Resource calendar to use as the base for the new calendar.
    2. Click on a global or resource calendar.
    3. Click Select.
  6. On the Resource Calendars page, click the Calendar tab.
  7. On the Calendar tab, click in the Name field and enter a name for the personal or resource calendar.
  8. On the Resource Calendars page, click Save.
  9. Configure additional resource calendar settings.

Related Topics

About Calendars

Working with Calendars

Creating Global Calendars

Configuring Global Calendars

Creating Project Calendars

Configuring Project Calendars

Configuring Resource Calendars

About My Calendar

Creating Global Calendars

Creating Project Calendars

Resource Calendars Page

Configuring Resource Calendars

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024