Configuring the Standard Work Week for My Calendar

Configure the standard work week for the calendar to set the work and nonwork days and hours.

To configure the standard work week:

  1. Click the User menu and select My Calendar.
  2. On the My Calendar page, click the Standard Work Week tab.
  3. On the Standard Work Week tab, enter a number of hours for each work day in the total hours field.
  4. Configure the work periods in the chart:
    • Create a new work period by clicking and dragging on the chart.
    • Create multiple work periods for each day.
    • Drag a work period on the chart to have it start earlier or later in the day.
    • Make a work period longer or shorter by clicking and dragging the lower edge of the work period on the chart.
    • Delete a work period by selecting the work period in the chart and selecting .
  5. Click Save.

Related Topics

Configuring My Calendar

Setting Work Hours Per Time Period for My Calendar

Modifying Calendar Days on My Calendar

Importing Events to My Calendar

My Calendar Dialog Box

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024