Project Settings Detail Window


Use this detail window configure the type, time, frequency, and projects for a service.

Screen Elements

Add button

Opens the Select Project dialog box.

Change Data Date menu

Determines how the data date will be set for projects running the scheduled service.

Use project's current Data Date + n days: Uses the project's current data date plus an additional number of days you specify. In calculating this new data date, P6 considers one day equal to 24 hours and uses a standard seven day calendar.

Use Service's run time: Uses the date and time the service runs as the new data date.

This field is only available for Apply Actuals, Level, or Schedule services.

Use leveling settings from field

Enables you to select another project which will determine the resource leveling settings to apply to the service when it is run.

This field is only available for level services.

Use scheduling settings from field

Enables you to select another project which will determine the scheduling settings to apply to the service when it is run.

This field is only available for schedule services.

Import Baselines option

Imports all baselines found in a Primavera XML import file.

This option is only available for import services.

Import Action list

Enables you to select the action to take when importing projects and baselines. If you intend to import projects as new projects, select Create New Project and specify the destination level in the EPS hierarchy in Import to. If you intend to update existing projects with the imported data, select Update Existing Project. Baselines are always imported as new baselines.

This list is only available for import services.

Create new project if it does not exist option

Creates new projects and baselines in the database for projects and baselines imported from the file which do not already exist in the database.

This option is only available for import services.

Import to field

Enables you to select the destination level in the EPS hierarchy for the projects and baselines being imported.

This field is only available for import services.

Select Template list

Enables you to select a template to use for the import option.

This list is only available for import services.

Row Actions menu

Delete: Deletes the selected item.

ID field

The unique identifier of the project or EPS.

Name field

The name of the project or EPS.

Current Data Date field

The data date for the project.

Enable Publication option

Determines whether the project is able to be published.

This option is only available for publish services.

Last Published On field

The most recent publication date for the project data. This field displays no value for projects that have never been published.

This option is only available for publish services.


Determines which baselines are imported or exported.


Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Scheduled Services.
  3. On the Scheduled Services page, click Project.
  4. Click the Project Settings detail window.

Related Topics

About Scheduling Projects

Creating Project Scheduled Services

Configuring Project Scheduled Services

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024