Creating EPS Elements

Create enterprise project structure (EPS) elements to represent the hierarchical positions of all the projects in your database. You can create sibling EPSs to represent those that are hierarchically equal, or child EPSs to represent those that are subordinate.

To create EPS elements:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
  3. On the EPS page:
    1. Select an EPS. The EPS can act as a sibling or a parent.
    2. Click Row Actions :
      • To add a sibling, select Add Sibling EPS.
      • To add a child, select Add Child EPS.
    3. Double-click in the ID field to enter an ID for the new EPS.
    4. Click Save.


Related Topics

About the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS)

Working with the EPS

Configuring the EPS

Assigning OBS Elements to the EPS

Opening Projects or Templates in the EPS

Applying Filters

Configuring EPS View Grouping

Configuring EPS View Filters

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024