Dates Columns of the Activity Table

Actual Finish field

The date on which the activity was completed.

Actual Start field

The date work on the activity began.

If resources (labor, nonlabor, or material) or roles are assigned to the activity, the actual start date is the earliest among all the resource or role assignments.

Anticipated Finish field

The expected finish date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling.

If there are no children elements, the anticipated finish is the finish date listed for the item in the table.

The Anticipated Finish date is used as the Finish date if there are no activities assigned to the project or WBS.

Anticipated Start field

The expected start date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling.

If there are no children elements, the anticipated start is the start date listed for the item in the table.

The Anticipated Start date is used as the Start date if there are no activities assigned to the project or WBS.

BL Project Actual Finish field

The actual finish date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Actual Start field

The actual start date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Early Finish field

The early finish date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Early Start field

The early start date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Finish field

The current latest finish date of all activities in the project baseline.

BL Project Late Finish field

The late finish date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Late Start field

The late start date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Start field

The current earliest start date of all activities in the project baseline.

BL1 Actual Finish field

The actual finish date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Actual Start field

The actual start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Early Finish field

The early finish date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Early Start field

The early start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Finish field

The current finish date of the activity in the primary baseline. Set to the activity planned finish date while the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed.

BL1 Late Finish field

The late finish date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Late Start field

The late start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Start field

The current start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

This is set to the planned start date.

Early Finish field

The earliest possible date the activity can finish. Early finish dates can change as the project progresses and changes are made to the project management plan.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Early Start field

The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. Early start dates can change as the project progresses and as changes are made to the project management plan. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Expected Finish field

The date on which the primary resource, the person who assigns the expected finish date, anticipates work on the activity will finish.

Only the primary resource can edit this field if the activity has started.

External Early Start field

The early start date for imported activities with external relationships to projects that do not exist in the database.

This field is the relationship early finish date when the lost relationship type is Finish to Start or Start to Start. When the relationship type is Start to Finish or Finish to Finish, this field is calculated as Relationship Early Finish Date minus Remaining Duration of the successor.

External Late Finish field

The late finish date for imported activities with external relationships to projects that do not exist in the database.

This field is the relationship early finish date when the lost relationship type is Finish to Start or Finish to Finish. When the relationship type is Start to Start or Start to Finish, this field is calculated as Relationship Late Start plus Remaining Duration of the predecessor.

Finish field

The current finish date for the activity. For not started activities, this is the planned finish date. For in-progress activities, this is the remaining early finish date. For completed activities, this is the actual finish date.

Late Finish field

The latest possible date the activity can finish without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Late Start field

The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Planned Finish field

The date the activity is scheduled to finish if the activity has not started.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.

Planned Start field

The date the activity is scheduled to start.

This date the activity is scheduled to begin is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.

Post Response Pessimistic Finish field

The Post Response Pessimistic Finish date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Post Response Pessimistic Start field

The Post Response Pessimistic Start date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Pre Response Pessimistic Finish field

The Pre Response Pessimistic Finish date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Pre Response Pessimistic Start field

The Pre Response Pessimistic Start date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Primary Constraint Date field

The constraint date for the activity, if the activity has a constraint. The activity's constraint type determines whether this is a start date or finish date.

Activity constraints are used by the project scheduler.

Remaining Early Finish field

The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish.

If this activity is not started, this date is the planned finish. This date can be updated manually by the user, but it is overwritten when you schedule the project.

Remaining Early Start field

The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin.

This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the planned start.

Remaining Late Finish field

The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, this field is blank.

Remaining Late Start field

The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationship, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Resume Date field

The date when a suspended task or activity is resumed.

The resume date must be later than the suspend date and earlier than the actual finish date.

The suspend/resume period behaves like non-work time on the activity calendar.

Secondary Constraint Date field

The date for the activity's secondary constraint, if the activity has a secondary constraint.

The activity's constraint type determines whether this is a start date or finish date. This field is only available if a primary constraint has been selected.

Start field

The current start date of the activity. For started activities, this is the actual start date. For not started activities, this is the planned start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, the start date field is set to the remaining early start date.

Suspend Date field

The date work has temporarily stopped on a given activity.

For example, an event might force an activity to be interrupted or resource constraints might put an activity on hold.

The suspend date must be later than the actual start date, which the activity must have. Activity progress can resume when the Resume Date is set. The suspend/resume period behaves like non-work time on the activity calendar or resource calendar for task and resource dependent activities.

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024