Preferences Columns of the EPS Table

Activity % Complete from Steps option

Determines if Activity % Complete is calculated from activity steps or from manual input.

This option is cleared by default. If the option is selected, you must also set Percent Complete Type to Physical on the Activities page to view the calculation in the Activity % Complete field. This option also sets the Physical % Complete field calculation to calculate from activity steps instead of manual input.

For example, if 3 of 4 steps are marked complete, and the steps are weighted equally, the Activity % Complete and the Physical % Complete is 75%.

Activity ID Prefix field

The series of initial letters, numeric digits, or special characters you want P6 to use to auto-number all the activities in a given project. By default, this field can contain 1 to 20 characters.

In order to identify and track activities, P6 assigns each activity a unique Activity ID that is the result of joining the Activity ID Prefix with the Activity ID Suffix and then adding an Increment value.

For example, a prefix of PROJ-A# combined with a suffix of 2500 and an Increment of 5 will yield the following activity IDs: PROJ-A#2500, PROJ-A#2505, etc.

Activity ID Suffix field

The numeric digits you want P6 to use to auto-number all the activities in a given project. The value must be a number between 1 and 999,999.

In order to identify and track activities, P6 assigns each activity a unique Activity ID that is the result of joining the Activity ID Prefix with the Activity ID Suffix and then adding an Increment value.

For example, a prefix of PROJ-A# combined with a suffix of 2500 and an Increment of 5 will yield the following activity IDs: PROJ-A#2500, PROJ-A#2505, etc.

Activity Type list

Determines how duration and schedule dates are calculated for an activity.

Task Dependent: Activities are scheduled using the activity's calendar rather than the calendars of the assigned resources. Choose task dependent when you want to control the duration of the activity yourself (that is, no resources are assigned), or when one or more resources assigned to the same activity can work according to the same calendar. For example, you might have an activity to cure concrete; you know how long the task takes and the addition of resources won't complete the task any earlier. You would designate this activity as task dependent.

Resource Dependent: Activities are scheduled using the calendars of the assigned resources. This type is used when several resources are assigned to the activity, but they might work separately. Choose resource dependent when you want to schedule each resource according to his/her own time schedule, or resource calendar, not the activity calendar. The assigned resource availability determines the start and finish dates of the activity. Typically, you use this type when multiple resources assigned to the same activity can work independently, or when availability can affect the activity's duration. For example, an activity that requires an Inspector might be delayed if that resource is assigned to multiple projects or is on vacation.

Level of Effort: Activities have a duration that is determined by its dependent activities and are typically administration type. Choose level of effort to indicate that the activity's duration depends on its predecessor and/or successor activities. A level of effort activity is usually one that is ongoing, such as clerical work, Change Management, or project management tasks. For example, site cleanup could be considered a level of effort activity; it occurs repeatedly and is dependent on the completion of a phase.

Start or Finish Milestone: Milestone activities are zero-duration without resources, marking a significant project event. Choose start milestone or finish milestone to indicate that the activity marks the beginning or end of a major stage in the project. Milestones have zero duration. A primary resource or an activity owner, and expenses can be assigned to a milestone. In an office building addition project, examples of milestones might include Project Definition Complete, Structure Complete, or End Bidding Process.

WBS Summary: Activities that are used to aggregate date, duration, and percent complete values for a group of activities that share a common WBS code level. Choose WBS Summary to indicate that the activity is a summary-level WBS activity. A WBS Summary activity represents a group of activities that share a common WBS level. The summary-level WBS activity enables roll-ups of dates for the activity group. The duration of a WBS Summary activity extends from the start of the earliest activity in a group to the finish of the latest activity. WBS codes control which activities are part of a WBS Summary activity; P6 incorporates any activities that share a component of the WBS Summary activity's WBS code into the WBS Summary activity. For example, all activities whose WBS codes begin with A (A.1, A.1.1, A.1.2, etc.) can be part of one WBS Summary activity whose WBS code is A. At a lower level, all activities whose WBS codes start with A.1 (A.1.1, A.1.2, etc.) can be part of a WBS Summary activity whose WBS code is A.1.

Allow Duplicate Resource Assignments option

Determines whether resources can work on the same activity multiple times.

Allow Negative Actual Units option

Determines if the Apply Actuals feature can record negative actual units against activities in the project via timesheets.

Baseline Option list

The baseline the project uses.

This field is disabled if the project is checked out.

Calendar field

The calendar assigned to the project.

Cost Account field

The cost account associated with the project.

Drive Activity Dates by Default option

Determines whether assignments will drive activity dates.

Duration Type field

Determines how remaining duration, units, and units/time are calculated when you update an activity that has resources assigned. The activity's duration type should correspond to the dominant factor, that is, the least flexible factor in the project: schedule, costs/work effort, or resource availability.

Fixed Units/Time: The resource units per time are constant when the activity duration or units are changed. Use this duration type when an activity has fixed resources with fixed productivity output per time period.

Fixed Duration & Units/Time: The activity duration is constant as the units or resource units per time are changed. Use this duration type when the activity must be completed within a fixed time period regardless of the resources assigned.

Fixed Units: The activity units are constant when the duration or resource units per time are changed. Use this duration type when the total amount of work is fixed, and increasing the resources can decrease the activity duration.

Fixed Duration & Units: The duration and units remain constant as the units/time is changed. Use this duration type when the activity must be completed within a fixed time period and the total amount of work is fixed.

Fiscal year list

Determines on which month the fiscal year begins.

Increment field

The number you want P6 to add to the previous Activity ID in order to auto-number all the new activities in a given project. This field value must be between 1 and 99,999.

In order to identify and track activities, P6 assigns each activity a unique Activity ID that is the result of joining the Activity ID Prefix with the Activity ID Suffix and then adding an Increment value.

For example, a prefix of PROJ-A# combined with a suffix of 2500 and an Increment of 5 will yield the following activity IDs: PROJ-A#2500, PROJ-A#2505, etc.

Link Actual and Period Actual Units and Costs option

Determines whether to recalculate actual or actual this period units and costs when one of these values is updated. This option must be marked if you plan to store period performance or edit past period actuals for a project.

Link Percent Complete with Actuals option

Determines whether the actual units and cost values are recalculated when duration percent complete is updated.

Link Planned and At Completion option

Determines whether to recalculate all of the planned unit and cost values using the remaining costs and units for activities that have not started. When this option is selected, Planned, Remaining, and At Completion values are set to equal for not started activities.

Percent Complete Type list

Determines the way in which the application calculates the percent complete for the activity.

This default activity percent complete type will be applied to all new activities added to a project. If you change this setting for an existing project that has activities, the percent complete type of those existing activities will not be changed.

Price/Unit field

The default price/unit used to calculate the cost for activities that have labor/non-labor units but no assigned resources and for activities that have assigned resources or roles that do not have a specified price/unit.

Primary Can Complete Activity option

Determines whether primary resources can mark activities as completed.

Primary Resources Can Update Activity Dates option

Determines whether primary resources can see the Update Dates button in the Timesheets page of P6 Team Member Web.

Rate Type list

The price/unit used to calculate costs for the project.

There can be up to five rate types, with each rate type reflecting a different price/unit.

Resources Can Assign Themselves option

Determines whether resources can assign themselves to activities.

Resources Can Assign Themselves Outside OBS option

Determines whether resources can assign themselves to activities even if the resource does not have access to the relevant OBS for the activity.

Resources Status Activities Using list

Determines how P6 Team Member Web timesheet users enter their status for assignments.

Review Type list

Determines who can review status updates. Available options are Anyone can review and Everyone must review.

Status Reviewers field

The people designated to review and approve team member status updates for activities in the selected WBS.

WBS Code Separator field

The character(s), such as a period, used to separate code fields. You may use one or two characters.

The separator is also the WBS code separator for new projects by default.

When Activity Progress Removed list

Determines how units and duration are handled if activity progress is removed.

Reset planned duration and units to remaining: Determines whether the application will recalculate planned unit spreads to match the remaining units.

Reset remaining duration and units to planned: Determines whether the application will recalculate remaining unit spreads to match the planned units.

When Updating Units or Costs field

Determines whether the application will add actual to remaining or subtract actual from at completion if activity progress is removed.

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024