Available Columns of the Assignments Page


The following is a comprehensive list of all the columns/fields available to add to the table on the Assignments page.

Screen Elements

Costs category

Actual Cost field

The actual non-overtime plus overtime cost for the resource assignment on the activity.

Calculated as Actual Regular Cost plus Actual Overtime Cost.

Actual Overtime Cost field

The actual overtime cost for the resource assignment on the activity.

Calculated as Actual Overtime Units multiplied by Cost per Time multiplied by Overtime Factor.

Actual Regular Cost field

The actual non-overtime cost for the resource assignment on the activity.

Calculated as Actual Regular Units multiplied by Cost per Time.

Actual This Period Cost field

The labor, nonlabor, and material costs incurred during this financial period.

If period performance is stored, the calculation is Actual Cost minus the sum of the stored Actual This Period Cost fields for all previous periods.

If the period performance is not stored, Actual This Period Cost is the same as Actual Cost.

At Completion Cost field

The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for the resource assignment on the activity.

Calculated as Actual Costs plus Remaining Costs.

Planned Cost field

The planned cost of work required for the assignment to be completed.

Calculated as Planned Units multiplied by Price per Time.

Remaining Cost field

The remaining cost for the resource assignment on the activity.

Calculated as Remaining Units multiplied by Cost/Time.

Staffed Remaining Cost field

The remaining cost for resource assignments that have a filled role.

Unstaffed Remaining Cost field

The remaining cost for resource assignments that do not have a filled role.

Dates category

Activity Finish field

The finish date of the activity to which the assignment belongs. This is the planned finish if the activity has not started, the remaining finish if the activity is in progress, or the actual finish if the activity has completed.

Activity Start field

The start date of the activity to which the assignment belongs. This is the planned start date if the activity has not started, or the actual start date if the activity is in progress or completed.

Actual Finish field

The date on which the assignment was completed.

If the activity does not already have an Actual Finish date, the last assignment to set an Actual Finish date triggers the activity to have an Actual Finish date equal to the latest assignment's Actual Finish date when the assignment is saved.

Actual Start field

If the activity has started, the date work began on the activity.

If the activity does not have already have an Actual Start date, the first assignment to set an Actual Start date triggers the activity to have an Actual Start date equal to the activity's Planned Start date when the assignment is saved.

Finish field

The finish date for the assignment. For not started activities, this is the Planned Finish date. For in progress activities, this is the Remaining Finish date. For completed activities, this is the Actual Finish date.

Planned Finish field

The date the assignment is scheduled to be finished.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started. This is the finish date that P6 Team Member Web timesheet users follow and that schedule variance is measured against.

Planned Start field

The date work on the assignment is scheduled to begin.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has been started. This is the start date that P6 Team Member Web timesheet users follow and schedule variance is measured against.

Remaining Early Finish field

The date the assignment is scheduled to be finished.

This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the Planned Finish date.

Remaining Early Start field

The date the assignment is scheduled to begin.

This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the Planned Start date.

Remaining Late Finish field

The latest possible date the assignment must be finished to not delay the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, this field is blank.

Remaining Late Start field

The latest possible date the assignment must begin to not delay the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Start field

The start date for the assignment on the activity. For a not started assignment, this is the activity's Planned Start date. For a started assignment, this is the Actual Start date.

Durations category

Actual Duration field

The total working time from the assignment actual start date to the actual finish date for completed assignments, or the total working time from the actual start date to the data date for in-progress assignments.

At Completion Duration field

The total working time from the assignment's current start date to the current finish date.

The current start date is the planned start date until the assignment is started, and then it is the actual start date. The current finish date is the planned finish date while the assignment is not started, the remaining finish date while the assignment is in progress, and the actual finish date once the assignment is completed. The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

Planned Duration field

The resource's total working time on the activity from the Planned Start date to the Planned Finish date.

Planned Lag field

The planned time lag between the activity's planned start date and the resource's planned start date on the activity.

If the resource is planned to start work when the activity is planned to start, the planned lag is zero.

Remaining Duration field

The remaining working time for the resource assignment on the activity, from the resource's remaining start date to the remaining finish date.

The remaining working time is calculated using the calendar determined by the activity type. Resource dependent activities use the resource's calendar; other activity types use the activity's calendar. Before the activity is started, the Remaining Duration is the same as the Planned Duration. After the activity is completed, the remaining duration is zero.

Remaining Lag field

The time lag between the activity's remaining start date and the resource's remaining start date on the activity.

If the resource's remaining work starts on the activity's remaining start date, the lag is zero. Before the activity is started, the remaining lag is the same as the planned lag.

General category

Activity ID field

The unique identifying code for the activity assigned to the resource or role.

Activity Name field

The name of the activity assigned to the resource or role.

Activity Status field

The current condition of the activity.

Valid values are Not Started, In Progress, and Completed.

Activity Type field

Determines how duration and schedule dates are calculated for an activity.

Task Dependent: Activities are scheduled using the activity's calendar rather than the calendars of the assigned resources. Choose task dependent when you want to control the duration of the activity yourself (that is, no resources are assigned), or when one or more resources assigned to the same activity can work according to the same calendar. For example, you might have an activity to cure concrete; you know how long the task takes and the addition of resources won't complete the task any earlier. You would designate this activity as task dependent.

Resource Dependent: Activities are scheduled using the calendars of the assigned resources. This type is used when several resources are assigned to the activity, but they might work separately. Choose resource dependent when you want to schedule each resource according to his/her own time schedule, or resource calendar, not the activity calendar. The assigned resource availability determines the start and finish dates of the activity. Typically, you use this type when multiple resources assigned to the same activity can work independently, or when availability can affect the activity's duration. For example, an activity that requires an Inspector might be delayed if that resource is assigned to multiple projects or is on vacation.

Level of Effort: Activities have a duration that is determined by its dependent activities and are typically administration type. Choose level of effort to indicate that the activity's duration depends on its predecessor and/or successor activities. A level of effort activity is usually one that is ongoing, such as clerical work, Change Management, or project management tasks. For example, site cleanup could be considered a level of effort activity; it occurs repeatedly and is dependent on the completion of a phase.

Start or Finish Milestone: Milestone activities are zero-duration without resources, marking a significant project event. Choose start milestone or finish milestone to indicate that the activity marks the beginning or end of a major stage in the project. Milestones have zero duration. A primary resource or an activity owner, and expenses can be assigned to a milestone. In an office building addition project, examples of milestones might include Project Definition Complete, Structure Complete, or End Bidding Process.

WBS Summary: Activities that are used to aggregate date, duration, and percent complete values for a group of activities that share a common WBS code level. Choose WBS Summary to indicate that the activity is a summary-level WBS activity. A WBS Summary activity represents a group of activities that share a common WBS level. The summary-level WBS activity enables roll-ups of dates for the activity group. The duration of a WBS Summary activity extends from the start of the earliest activity in a group to the finish of the latest activity. WBS codes control which activities are part of a WBS Summary activity; P6 incorporates any activities that share a component of the WBS Summary activity's WBS code into the WBS Summary activity. For example, all activities whose WBS codes begin with A (A.1, A.1.1, A.1.2, etc.) can be part of one WBS Summary activity whose WBS code is A. At a lower level, all activities whose WBS codes start with A.1 (A.1.1, A.1.2, etc.) can be part of a WBS Summary activity whose WBS code is A.1.

Assigned By field

The user who assigned the resource to the assignment.

Assigned Date field

The date the task was assigned to you, your group, or your role.

Calculate Costs from Units option

Determines whether by default any new assignments for this resource will have its costs recalculated whenever any quantity changes occur.

Calendar field

The name of the calendar selected for the resource.

CBS field

The Primavera Unifier Cost Breakdown Sheet to which you want to link an activity, assignment or expense.

Cost Account field

The cost account associated with the resource assignment.

Curve field

The resource's units and costs distributed over the duration of an activity.

A curve can only be assigned to activities that have a duration type of Fixed Duration and Units or Fixed Duration and Units/Time.

A manual curve type indicates that the assignment's future period resource distribution was manually entered in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet of P6 Professional. If you select a different curve type, the manually-entered distribution is deleted, and the units and costs for the assignment are redistributed according to the curve you select. Be sure this is the appropriate course of action before replacing a manual curve with another curve.

Drive Activity Dates option

Determines whether new resource/role assignments drive activity dates by default.

Duration Type list

Determines how remaining duration, units, and units/time are calculated when you update an activity that has resources assigned. The activity's duration type should correspond to the dominant factor, that is, the least flexible factor in the project: schedule, costs/work effort, or resource availability.

Fixed Units/Time: The resource units per time are constant when the activity duration or units are changed. Use this duration type when an activity has fixed resources with fixed productivity output per time period.

Fixed Duration & Units/Time: The activity duration is constant as the units or resource units per time are changed. Use this duration type when the activity must be completed within a fixed time period regardless of the resources assigned.

Fixed Units: The activity units are constant when the duration or resource units per time are changed. Use this duration type when the total amount of work is fixed, and increasing the resources can decrease the activity duration.

Fixed Duration & Units: The duration and units remain constant as the units/time are changed. Use this duration type when the activity must be completed within a fixed time period and the total amount of work is fixed.

Financial Period Calendar field

The name of the financial period calendar assigned to the project.

Overtime Factor field

The overtime factor used to compute the overtime price for the resource assignment on this activity.

When the resource is assigned to the activity, the resource's overtime factor is copied to the assignment. The assignment overtime factor is refreshed from the resource value when resource prices are synchronized for the project.

Calculated as the rate in use multiplied by Overtime Factor.

Planned Units/Time field

The planned units per time at which the resource is to perform work on the activity.

For example, a person assigned full time would perform 8 hours of work per day. A department of five people might perform at 5 days per day.

Price/Unit field

The non-overtime price per time for the resource or role's work on this activity.

This price is used to compute costs for any activities to which the resource or role is assigned. When the resource or role is assigned to the activity, the relevant price is copied to the assignment based on the effective date of the price and the activity start date. The price is refreshed whenever resource and role prices are synchronized for the project.

Primary Resource field

The person primarily responsible for performing or overseeing work related to a specific assignment.

Proficiency field

The skill level of the resource. If you do not have appropriate privilege, you cannot access this field.

Project ID field

The unique identifying code for the project associated with the activity.

Project Name field

The name of the project associated with the activity.

Rate Source field

The value that indicates which price/unit will be used to calculate costs for the assignment, such as Resource, Role, and Override.

When a resource, and only a resource, is assigned to an activity assignment, the rate source will automatically equal Resource. When a role, and only a role, is assigned to an activity assignment, the rate source will automatically equal Role. When both a resource and role are assigned to the activity assignment, the rate source can be either Resource or Role determined by your rate source preference. In any case, the Override value allows you to specify a different value for Price/Unit.

The default rate source preference can be changed on the My Preferences page under Resource Assignments.

Rate Type list

Determines which of the five user-defined resource and role rate types will be used to calculate the cost for the assignment.

Remaining Units/Time field

The units per time required for the resource assignment to complete the activity.

Resource Type list

The resource type. Valid values are:

Labor: Indicates that the selected resource performs labor, measured in units of time.

Nonlabor: Indicates that the selected resource does not perform labor, measured in units of time. Equipment is a nonlabor resource.

Material: Indicates that the resource has a unit of measure other than time. You can select a unit of measure for the material resource.

Search Criteria field

Indicates whether the assignment has any associated search criteria with a Yes or No link.

When search criteria have been specified, this field shows a Yes link that provides access to the stored resource request search criteria used to search for a qualified resource.

When you assign a resource using the Request Resources feature with your custom resource search criteria, the search criteria you specify is saved. A Yes link appears in the Search Criteria column beside the assignment, indicating search criteria is specified. This saved search criteria can be useful later if you ever need to modify the resource assignment and want to reuse the same criteria.

A No link appears when the assignment was made directly without any search criteria; however, you can click the No link to specify search criteria for the resource or role assignment.

WBS ID field

The unique identifier of the WBS for the activity.

WBS Name field

The name of the WBS element.

WBS Path field

A series of WBS codes that represent the position of the WBS within the project hierarchy.

For example, if you have a parent WBS named WBS1, a child named WBS2, and WBS2 has a child called WBS3, the WBS Path for WBS3 is WBS1.WBS2.WBS3.

Percent Complete category

Pending % Complete field

The estimate of the percentage of the resource's units of work completed on this activity.

The pending percent complete is entered by each resource using timesheets. This value is used to compute the resource's remaining units for the activity when project actuals are applied. The project manager specifies whether resources update their percent complete or remaining units for each project.

Units % Complete field

The percent complete of units for the resource assignment on the activity.

The percent complete is always in the range 0 to 100.

Calculated as Actual Units divided by At Completion Units multiplied by 100.

Resource category

Active option

Determines whether the resource is currently active. A selected option indicates the resource is active.

Non-active resources might have left the organization, but are not deleted from the system since they might have actual hours.

Auto Compute Actuals option

Determines whether the activity actual and remaining units, and start and finish dates for the resource are calculated automatically using the planned dates, planned units, and the activity's schedule percent complete.

If this option is selected, the actual/remaining units and actual dates are automatically updated when project actuals are applied. This assumes that all work by the resource proceeds according to plan.

Note: This option is not available if the Uses Timesheets option is selected.

Default Units/Time field

The default units/time for resource assignments in projects, which is shown as either a percentage or units/duration depending on your settings in My Preferences.

If you change the default setting, existing resource assignments are not affected. The default setting only applies to new resource assignments.

email Address field

The email address for the resource.

Employee ID field

The resource identifier within the organization, typically the employee number or social security number.

Max Resource Units/Time field

The maximum work units per time this resource can perform on all their assigned activities

For example, if the selected resource is one person, a reasonable value may be 8 hours (units) per day (duration). In this case, the Max Units/Time would be 8.00h/d, or 8 hours of work per day. Similarly, if the selected resource is a department with 5 people, then the Max Units/Time may be 40.00h/d. This means that 5 people can perform 40 hours of work per day, rather than 1 person performing 8 hours of work per day.

Max Role Units/Time field

The maximum work units per time this role can perform on assigned activities.

Office Phone field

The office phone number for the resource.

Other Phone field

The alternate phone numbers for the resource.

Overtime Allowed option

Determines whether the resource is allowed to log overtime hours.

Resource ID field

The unique identifier for the resource.

Resource ID Name field

The unique identifier and name of the resource.

Resource Name field

The name of the resource assigned to the activity.

Role ID field

The unique identifier of the associated role.

Role ID Name field

The identifying code and name of the role.

Role Name field

The name of the role assigned to the activity.

Unit of Measure field

The unit of measure used for the material resource.

Units category

Actual Overtime Units field

The actual overtime units worked by the resource on the activity.

This value is calculated from timesheets when project actuals are applied or can be entered directly by the project manager.

Actual Regular Units field

The actual non-overtime units worked by the resource on the activity.

This value is calculated from timesheets when project actuals are applied or can be entered directly by the project manager.

Actual This Period Units field

The labor, nonlabor, and material units used during this financial period.

If period performance is stored, the calculation is Actual Units minus the sum of the stored Actual This Period Units fields for all previous periods.

If the period performance is not stored, Actual This Period Units is the same as Actual Units.

Actual Units field

The sum of the actual non-overtime and the overtime units worked by the resource on the activity.

Calculated as Actual Regular Units plus Actual Overtime Units.

Values for Actual Regular Units and Actual Overtime Units are obtained from either timesheets when project actuals are applied, or directly from the updated fields in the interface.

At Completion Units field

The sum of the actual units and remaining units for the resource assignment on the activity.

Calculated as Actual Units plus Remaining Units.

Pend Remaining Units field

The estimate of the resource's remaining units on this activity.

The Pend Remaining Units value is entered by each resource using timesheets. This value is copied to the resource's remaining units for the activity when project actuals are applied. The project manager specifies whether resources update their percent complete or remaining units for each project.

Planned Units field

The planned units of work for the resource assignment on the activity.

Remaining Units field

The remaining units of work to be performed by the resource on the activity.

Calculated as Planned Units minus Actual Units.

Staffed Remaining Units field

The remaining units for resource assignments that have filled a role.

Unstaffed Remaining Units field

The remaining units for resource assignments that have not filled a role.

User-Defined Code and Field categories

Activity User Defined category

This category contains activity user defined columns listed in alphabetical order.

Assignment Codes category

This category contains assignment codes listed in alphabetical order.

Assignment User Defined category

This category contains user defined columns listed in alphabetical order.

Global Activity Codes category

This category contains global activity codes listed in alphabetical order.

Project Codes category

This category contains project codes listed in alphabetical order.

Project User Defined category

This category contains Project user defined columns listed in alphabetical order.

Resource Codes category

This category contains resource codes listed in alphabetical order.

Resource User Defined category

This category contains user defined columns for resources listed in alphabetical order.

Role Codes category

This category contains role codes listed in alphabetical order.

WBS User Defined category

This category contains WBS user defined columns listed in alphabetical order.

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024